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[–]Chipit[S] 3 insightful - 1 fun3 insightful - 0 fun4 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

When Obama was president we got very little energy so when Trump was elected or you know whatever happened in 2016 and he was inaugurated in January I thought well maybe these people who weren't anti-war when Obama was president even though he was continuing the wars and expanding them and adding new ones maybe they'll become anti-war activists now and it wouldn't to me it wouldn't be principled but at least there would be some action some activity and that didn't happen.

I'm seeing 95% new people come into the movement and want to help and I think that most of the people that I did anti-war work with when Bush was president were not really anti-war they were just anti-Bush and then they you know supported Obama so they couldn't really protest Obama but then they realized that that protesting wars isn't really politically correct because it's both sides of the aisle who are complicit in them.

I think recognize the nonpartisan nature of our march. We're not marching against Republicans we're not marching against Democrats or for Democrats. We're marching against the system, against the Pentagon, against the violence of the US empire and I think that's attracting a lot of people is that we're nonpartisan. Some of the women's march people even like even when they told me that they never addressed war and peace when I announced that I was going to do this on October 21st they were really upset because they said "Cindy you can't do it on October 21st, it's too close to the elections! You might hurt the Democrats!" and I said "Exactly. That's why we're doing it." You know if you are so scared of an anti-war march hurting your party why are you even in that party if you care about this issue?