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WEFringe group email lists are a simple way for everyone in Windsor/Essex freedom and prepper communities to openly gather and share information, and inclusively* socialize, manage, and organize ourselves in a fair and easily accessible medium.
Windsor Essex Freedom Resistance Inclusive* Networking Group Emails may help diverse* local communities to survive in the age of global tyranny under the ruling class (ie. WEF World Economic Forum, BIS Bank of International Settlements, etc).
* Inclusive means anyone may join and openly participate (including infiltrators). We can also create closed/private email groups as necessary. And we don't discriminate for any reason.
* Diverse means there's a wide range of topics covered by several email groups for our many local communities. And we don't discriminate for any reason.
Initial groups:
only announcements & newsletters
activism & events
entertainment, humour, memes, music
news & info we cannot change nor affect
only news we're affected by and can do something about (local, provincial, national)
managing, organizing, planning
communications, media, networking, outreach, publishing
free-form social hangout discussions
Potential future groups:
- analysis & research & skepticism
- arts & entertainment
- classifieds
- creating & publishing
- defense
- DIY & workshop
- faith & spirituality
- food & gardening
- health & wellbeing & fitness
- lawfare
- music
- newsletters
- prepping & survival
- reviews
- technology
● /s/Canada
● /s/Canadian
● /s/Canadians
● /s/OnGuardForThee
● /s/Ontario
● /s/StandUpWindsor
● /s/Toronto
● /s/WEFringe
● /s/Windsor_Ontario
Please suggest additions for this sidebox.
Ask to co-moderate or earn an invitation.
CSS and banner images by /u/JasonCarswell