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[–]fschmidt 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

this just doesn't go down to the genetic level - not if you're honest.

Why not? Why is it that people only believe extremes - that race is everything or that race is nothing. Gene pools matter but aren't the only thing and shouldn't be kept pure. I mean suppose you a have a group of dogs of a fast breed, say greyhounds. You may want to cross breed them with fast dogs of other breeds and see if you can add some good genes. But simply randomly mixing your dogs with other breeds will destroy the gene pool and will produce slower dogs. The same principle applies to humans. Throughout history, most people were worthless. Occasionally some group improved genetically to the point that it could produce a decent culture. But if such a group allows random unrestricted mixing with other groups, its genetic quality will fall. The average human throughout history was genetically incapable of sustaining a good culture. So one has to aim higher. And in fact I have a specific proposal to do just that.