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[–]automoderator[M] [score hidden] stickied comment (0 children)

Try to remember to keep the discussions clean of racial slurs towards other minorities. We have been constantly brigaded for the last few months. Do not encourage more brigading by using racial slurs. See rule #9 on sidebar. You can criticize anti-Asian racism from any group but do not all out bash.

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[–]TwerKing[S] 2 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 0 fun3 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Video's description box says,

ITV ran away from me in 2021 and admitted defeat. He retreated in defeat from me publicly. ITV projects all of his personal issues and failures onto others. When he talks about other people, he's simply just talking about himself and his failing life. ITV is now scared of talking about JBW. ITV is the cherry-picker. He's lost. He's lost support from his fellow Incel content creators and he's lost support from his Incel forums. He's scared. He's deluded. He's hurting bad from being a failed Arab man. He's in a world of pain. He knows that he's wrong and that I'm right. This truly kills him. HAHAHAHAHAHA. Let's setup that debate buddy boyo.

Chaddybaby has lost too. He's just as scared. He ran away like the loser coward that he is. Chaddybaby only knows how to cherry-pick and HE STILL LOSES! HAHAHAHAHA. He's thinking about getting the rope... LMAO. I see that his own doesn't even like him. It's also funny that he thought my account was being controlled by one of his fellow Looksmax losers. He thought this was an inside job. What a low IQ paranoid baby. LMAO