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[–]BenitoGreen99 11 insightful - 1 fun11 insightful - 0 fun12 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Those parents should've been arrested a long time ago. They destroyed that poor kid's life. Imagine making a life changing decision before you even know what life is about. Before you've gone through puppy love, had your first sexual experience, your first date, first girl/boyfriend. Yes Jazz is now an adult. But hormone abuse began at 11. That is a very confusing time for children because their bodies are changing. I can remember the range of emotions and confusion I felt at that age. It simply enrages me that children are being used as lab rats, mutilated, all so your parents can get online cloud and woke points, and big pharma and the medical industrial complex can make billions. I pray for the day when there is a federal law that prohibits mutilating children and holding everyone involved accountable. I also pray for Jazz's mental health. Because what's been done cannot be undone.