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[–]The_Best_Yak_Ever 8 insightful - 1 fun8 insightful - 0 fun9 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Okay… NO! The school Psychologist is waaaaay out of line. This is not about her and her gender ideology. This is a student (not a fucking patient. School psychs have students, not patients), who is growing out of an enforced pseudo religion. If this same kid wanted to break away from the southern baptists, she wouldn’t be having a fit. This idiot needs to stay in her own lane and not let her own beliefs interfere with this kid’s decisions and development. Non binary is a nonsense label. This is obviously a regular male with a regular female sister. They were fed a load of tripe by parents who wanted to feel extra special and signal to the world (undoubtedly all over social media) how “enlightened” they were. But you can’t make someone non binary. It’s a fashion statement, and a cry for attention. If they really wanted to let the kid decide, they would fucking respect his and her decisions. Fuck this self-important clown.