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[–]MikeSopes 3 insightful - 1 fun3 insightful - 0 fun4 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

This is exactly it -- the "male brain in a female body"/vice versa was cooked up as a way to explain the mental illness in a more socially acceptable way that made them seem like victims. But it doesn't work because there's no such thing as a "male brain". Thinking more like a stereotypical man or feeling that you're in a body that doesn't match your brain is based on stereotypes from the days when men were expected to be one thing and women were expected to be the opposite. Claiming that there's such thing as a "male brain" and that a biological female can have one just perpetuates those antiquated stereotypes and encourages healthy people who exhibit characteristics stereotypical to the opposite sex to start thinking about their bodies in unhealthy ways.