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[–]OuroborosTheory 2 insightful - 2 fun2 insightful - 1 fun3 insightful - 2 fun -  (0 children)

yeah around the 80s it hooked up with Wicca fakelore and some of them insisted neolithic "Old Europe" was all parthenogenic until the wicked Aryan horsemen rode in 2000-1800 BC and PIVed them all with their throbbing throbbing MANhoods over and over and (heavy panting); it's like Black Hebrew Israelitism for middle-aged white English profs--a lot of similar ideas just seem to sake their way down out from some Fortean Super-Sargasso Sea and scatter across a bunch of different groups (like how the Scientologists and Nation of Islam have united over their love for Jew-baiting, spaceships that look like DC-8s, and hydrocephalic mad scientists from a trillion years ago)

even funnier, historically it was the Amazons who were Iranian and kidnapped Chechen men from their wives as war booty

forget Amber Heard, they're still stanning Brynn Omdahl