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[–]LyingSpirit472 6 insightful - 1 fun6 insightful - 0 fun7 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

The social contract at play throughout life is "I don't really give a shit about you if I don't know you." If someone's doing their own thing and just existing, I really don't give a shit about what they're doing as long as they don't give me a reason to give a shit about what they do.

With that in mind- if someone decides they want to live as the other gender and just put their head down and try to just live their life as that other gender without making any demands for it, then I can respect their wish and will treat them as if they're that gender.

When someone tries changing the social contract to demand special treatment for themselves, and it's obvious they're demanding special treatment...THEN we have a problem. Then it becomes "no, I respect the rights of trans people- I just don't respect you, you dark triad cunt. You are not owed being special because you're cloaking yourself in this group; shit, you're only making it worse for people of that group because we know damn well you don't really believe a word you say for the group and are only jockeying to be put on a pedestal. If no one else will call you on this because you've convinced people what's good for you, personally, is good for the group, I'll be happy to say the emperor is naked."