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[–]FlyingKangaroo 6 insightful - 1 fun6 insightful - 0 fun7 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

It’s sexist and doesn’t help with real problem.

I see people still use the “brain sex” argument. Now in case we accept this for discussion, this makes the trans thing really against natural diversity. Because of some women would have “masculine” brains and men “feminine brains”, why should we don’t accept that makes women and men naturally diverse? I saw a commenter saying this is the reason for coming out as trans, as someone is born to live as another gender. But this is sexist, it’s like saying that a girl who behaves in some ways regarded as masculine (cultural context is a reference too) should live as a boy, but on another level (brain biology). So, if we had to accept any variation of that idea, then transing erases the natural diversity and works towards cementing conglomerates of men and women while they claim to fight against stereotypes, actually support them. As some said it was already bad in certain times or society circles, I think the trans thing will help to reinforce stereotypes for those not fitting into stereotypical perception about their sex. Such as tomboys will be regarded as “trans eggs” or “not women, but make it woke!”. It’s no different from “you’re not womanly enough, that’s bad” except woke crow would be like “you’re not womanly enough, you go! break the binary!” but tomboys being like “I’m a woman in my own way, hello?”. Regardless of what the queers say, it’s not helpful at all for men who are soft in some way or have any degree of “feminine characteristics”, they will be mistaken for homosexuals or NBs or other variations of trans, not recognized as men they are, and mostly straights.

We overlook people who have serious trauma or problems of various degrees who become trans. Only this week I came across a girl describing herself as minor who writes she’s bi and FTM. Her post history reveals rape in childhood and ongoing self harm. Even though she denies it, it’s clear she associates masculinity with some control over life, perhaps safety (strange because most likely a man hurt her, but I saw other victims like that...), men having higher position in some societies, being regarded as stronger, etc. Therefore allowing trans identities will further damage all those with low self-esteem, will reinforce stereotypes and not give enough/proper help to those struggling with experiences of abuse, toxic families, mental illness or alienation, all sorts of issues. It will not lead society into direction of managing trauma or supporting young generations but it will lead us into allowing people slip into a trap of never-ending mind and body damage. Physical transition has many problems which I assume we are aware of here; in cases without surgery, it’s still bizarre to play with your identity on such a basis. I mean, identity can change in life (even religious converts are an example) but this is way too extreme to use sex/gender for that. It’s like homemade dissociation. “You’re not you”, trans people don’t really grow as people, they strive to transform into ideal imaginary persona, their transition goal.

Another argument is that it will be bad for administration and other affairs in daily life. Since the basic trans thing is already being widely accepted, all the enby variations will bring further confusion. If someone accepts FTMs, why not accept genderfluidity? In theory, that can allow person to change identity as many times as they wish. So, we already have students in some countries bitching about not having their “real” names or pronouns in online systems. Even if they would be given a few ones to put there, the chances of changes are never-ending, it will only bring chaos. Even in a regular conversation between people, over the course of days or even minutes...

Let’s also not forget how it all can worsen crime investigation. A criminal will be able to change identity and that might ease fleeing the justice system. Since someone might say you’re not allowed to ask about transition or the past of someone, it might be easy to convince someone they’re a different person or just stop someone by the “power of being offended” and transphobia accusations. Even without criminal cases or any illegal matters, it is helping to create chaos in society by further acceptance of not stable enough identities.

It will damage children because they will be not taught that they can do whatever they like but will see the subtle codes of “a boy not being boyish enough is secretly a girl”. Don’t even get me started of the horrors of possibility of being brought up by trans but just sharing these ideas to children will confuse them. Age-appropriate education but no propaganda. Saying that transition is the only way to deal with dysphoria is like helping anorexics to lose weight.