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[–]jacques1102 4 insightful - 1 fun4 insightful - 0 fun5 insightful - 1 fun -  (2 children)

I honestly question the idea of Asexuality.Like if it even exists then there would have to actually be something biologically wrong.Unlike homosexuality which most would argue about the gay uncle hypothesis,there wouldn't any reason for asexuality to exist.

[–]Alienhunter糞大名 4 insightful - 1 fun4 insightful - 0 fun5 insightful - 1 fun -  (1 child)

Well we could potentially argue that something is biologically wrong with homosexuality in the same vein, which I think is why people are very wary to breach the topic. We could argue asexuality fits the exact same roll as homosexuality in the gay uncle hypothesis as s well, since having no sex drive and having a homosexual sex drive more or less both fit the same reproductive purpose, which is to say they don't reproduce so readily.

Course rather than describe these as right or wrong I think it's important to understand it's all deviations from a norm. There's nothing necessarily wrong with not having a sex drive but the person in question is less likely to reproduce, that's it really. If the person is happy with themselves there's no reason to ever intervene medically.

The whole identity aspect of it is kinda bullshit and most people claiming it as their Identity are just seeking attention. But the idea that low or absent libido is something that happens for various reasons is well within the realms of normality.

My issue with aesexuality is more that it reminds me of mitosis and is scientifically illiterate to describe yourself like an amoeba. But the idea that someone can have no sex drive at all isn't really that far out there. It's also entirely possible for people to just not enjoy sex. Let's be fair, if all you've had is really bad sex your whole life with no romance or personal emotional connections with the other person you'll be forgiven for thinking there's something wrong with you, really the problem isn't you so much as there's something wrong with society. There's balance in all things and while I think prudishness is far from good, the opposite side of the coin of unrestricted hedonism is also quite bad.

And let's also be fair, one of the defining characteristics of humans is we are capable of ignoring our biological urges if we wish to make other decisions. You might be extremely attracted to someone but know it's not a good idea to fuck them. Plus if someone gave you a choice between say, a night with a supermodel or a billion dollars, most people will take the money, that doesn't mean you are sexually attracted to the money. Nor does it mean women who exclusively want to date men with higher incomes than them are incomsexuals.

[–]Vulptexghost fox girl ^w^ 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

The problem isn't libido. I'm asexual with an annoyingly high one. It's just that I don't get off on people, I have a bunch of weird fetishes by themselves. It's definitely something in the brain. I'm also very messed up and have a ton of mental illness. Gender dysphoria is among them, and I've heard asexuality occurs almost exclusively in females, which I am unfortunately not. Then again it might just be the current feminist attitude driving that.