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[–]Alienhunter糞大名 3 insightful - 1 fun3 insightful - 0 fun4 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

I think that various things should be disclosed, veneral disease is another one.

The problem however is you do eventually end up opening a can of worms over what is and is not criminal for disclosure. Should it be criminal for someone to not disclose martial status before sex? There's a fairly strong argument for that. Should it be criminal for someone to disclose their race or religious beliefs before sex? It can get into the weeds rather quickly and we need to be careful when we create laws that we don't inadvertently create new vehicles by which sociopaths can terrorize others through baseless and unprovable accusations. In this case it would very much be a he said she said situation and unenforceable. He said he disclosed his trans status, she said he didn't. Bit of a legal quagmire can form.

Now naturally if it's a question of whether or not you should be honest with your date obviously the answer is yes you should. After all it's stupid and dangerous for trans people to play around like that and it's why many of them get killed, and I have little sympathy for them in that situation. Play stupid games win stupid prizes. It's still murder though, and I do think the trans panic defense isn't really a tenable excuse for murder when you could simply leave. Self defense from sexual assault is a good excuse for deadly self defense however. But it's still a bit legal quagmire of what does and does not constitute a justifiable homicide.