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[–]gloomy_bear 4 insightful - 1 fun4 insightful - 0 fun5 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Funny how white is socially constructed just like how black is. It's like at one point loads of my ancestry wasn't even considered "white" because my ancestors weren't "Wealthy Anglo-Saxon Protestant" and now they're trying to say every Arab or Hispanic/Latino or even Jews aren't white. Like the Assyrians (although western Asian, not Arab) are part of the same region as some Arabs are and they're light skinned. And you're going to tell me Espomolos like Ted Cruz, Cameron Diaz, and Marco Rubio are "POC"!? That would be ridiculous! I have some Southern European characteristics, and I know nobody will question me, but since Ted Cruz, Marco Rubio, and Cameron Diaz have surnames of different origin than me they're all of the sudden "POC"!? It makes zero sense.