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[–]Horror-Swordfish 12 insightful - 1 fun12 insightful - 0 fun13 insightful - 1 fun -  (1 child)

That's the problem with the progressive stack and the idea of intersectionality. In my mind, "intersectionality" should basically mean "don't assume you know someone's life story because of any of their specific characteristics."

In the grand scheme of things, Will Smith is better off than a white single father living on food stamps, and intersectionality explains that just fine. Will might experience discrimination because of his skin color, but the white man doesn't have Will's financial security, so don't assume that just because someone is white means that everything goes great for them and just because someone is black means that nothing goes well for them.

It's when people don't have a firm grasp on the concept and still decide to weaponize it that really irks me. Okay, yes, the core message of the tweet is "you still have white privilege even if you're [some other minority as well]" which is technically true if we're looking at things through the lens of intersectionality, but it's obvious that this person is using the concept to mean, "It doesn't matter what else, if you're white, you're bad."