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[–]BioEssentialism[S] 3 insightful - 1 fun3 insightful - 0 fun4 insightful - 1 fun -  (3 children)

While I’ve no doubt some antis use wokeness as an excuse to shit on their own personal NOTPS/rival ships or to simply bully the weird kids (because bullying people simply for liking weird/gross shit is no longer acceptable in this overly PC climate) I’ve got two problems with this reasoning:

  1. It ignores the equally large “neutral” woketards who don’t participate in general shipping discourse and don’t have a horse in this race concerning certain ships one way or the other. I actually just interacted with this type the other day, when asking her opinion about a certain brother/brother ship being made canon she said she had no problems with other people shipping it and was neutral concerning overall ships for these two characters to begin with, but then threw out all sorts of Woke/SJW buzzwords to voice her “concerns.”

“I think in this case while I have no strong feelings for the characters as a whole I choose to go by Death of the Author and ignore canon, because you have to admit making them canon is quite problematic wouldn’t you say? As a queer person myself I consider it offensive when media frames queer relationships in a predatory manner.

The way this ship is presented in the canon is not predatory in the slightest, it is between two enthusiastically consenting adults who seem to be no more than 1-3 years apart in age, they are both equals who interact with each other as such and care about the other deeply. What praytell then is so inherently “predatory” about this sort of relationship? Just because of the brothers label? (And it’s never even confirmed whether they’re biological brothers yet!)

See this is a prime example of woketard mentality and McCarthyism poisoning both fandom and individuals brains. Where is she seeing this supposed “predatory power dynamic” in their relationship? The Japanese audience certainly don’t see it that way nor was that ever the intention of the director himself. Why is she reading so deeply into a cartoon and seeing things like “predatorial,” “problematic” and “power imbalances” that just aren’t there? Because this is your brain on Cultural Marxism, it prevents you from looking at the world in a neutral, objective, rational manner and sees oppressive power structures everywhere you look because in the Cultural Marxist’s/Woketards mind the grand meta-narrative is this nebulous power struggle that’s lurking around every corner, trying to keep the people down. That’s why they have this insane framing of “Exploiter/Exploited” for even the most innocuous of human interactions. Woketards lack nuance and unbiased individual judgement, they are only able to view the world and relationships through the Exploiter/Exploitee power struggle because they’re absolutely obsessed with both the concept and their insane belief that all human beings must be perfectly equal in all ways in order to interact in what they deem is an appropriate enough manner.

2.Even if we do go by your logic it still proves my point that Wokeism even just existing has contributed to the downfall of fandom as a whole. Think about it, why weren’t shipping wars/slander like this back in the days when I was growing up? Why didn’t antis think of these woke justifications for hating certain ships back in the 2000’s? Why has it only cropped up since the mid-late 2010s? Why were certain ship tropes such as incest or being a fujoshi and the like accepted de-facto as just part and parcel of being in fandom and only now are being looked at “critically” as “being problematic?”

If it weren’t for Wokeism antis wouldn’t even have Marxist excuses to fall back on and would simply resort to the good old days of justifying their hate for a ship because “insert actual relevant story/characterization opinions or simply personal feelings here.”

[–]LyingSpirit472 4 insightful - 1 fun4 insightful - 0 fun5 insightful - 1 fun -  (2 children)

  1. I agree with you, but that's also the problem with Wokeness as well. All of these things boil down to how many Woketards have realized "the natural endgame of intersectionality is 1:1, literally every human on earth gets a seat at the table and their opinion is taken into account." However, when combined with Oppression Olympics taking hold, that quickly gets perverted into "all of society is a battle to find the single most oppressed human being in the world- and once we find that person, we'll raise them on a pedestal to be the God of this new world and be our new king/queen to truly make things equal"...and the difference between a person who cares about social equality and a Woketard is "the Woketards are the ones who are openly jockeying for position to be that single most oppressed human being." The example you gave is just "shipping bullshit" being replaced by how this issue has overtaken romance, even though romance is the ultimate right given to the individual: Every individual has the right to choose who they'll entertain a romantic relationship with, and even if someone can bully a person with identity politics into sex or a relationship, if another person with their identity tries to enter a relationship with them they'd be furious.

  2. That's exactly right. There was some shipping wars, but again, it's more representative of the issues with Wokeism. People were always fuckwads on the Internet about this, but Wokeism is so alluring because it gives you an excuse and a reason to justify being a fuckwad as righteous.

Fandoms just are one of the many attacked places of this viewpoint by people who know they're a piece of shit in their heart, but truly believe they're the greatest hero in human history for being a POS to people.

[–]BioEssentialism[S] 3 insightful - 1 fun3 insightful - 0 fun4 insightful - 1 fun -  (1 child)

It’s edging towards totalitarian/toxic Communism as a whole is what it is. This is exactly what the Communists did when they came into power during the Soviet Union: Prosecute and Jail anyone who they perceived as having more power/privilege than another, I wouldn’t even be surprised if they banned media & fiction itself that didn’t feature relationships between two perfect equals, and it looks like that’s where we’re heading here in the U.S. if the radical woke progressives overtake the mainstream Democratic Party. (They very well could, it’s only a matter of time before Gen Z comes of age and begins taking Office.)

American political discourse is currently caught between the two authoritarian extremes of legit Communism from the Left or legit Fascism on the Right and it terrifies me to see these sorts of radical political orientations get more and more mainstreamed by social media by the day.

Fascism is a no-brainer but even Communism as a system and form of political government is just completely in-sustainable and inhumane with how it overanalzyes everything through a group lens while disregarding the individual. Like there’s a reason why the Soviet Union was a failed experiment and the people eventually rose up to overthrow it, once you start policing individual autonomy your system is shit!

[–]LyingSpirit472 2 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 0 fun3 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

I agree with the problem and how "prosecute and jail anyone who they perceived as having power/privilege than another" is inevitable, but a few problems with that:

1- A ban of media/fiction that doesn't feature relationships between two perfect equals won't happen, because again, due to their critical privilege theory, it is impossible for two people to be perfect equals. If there's even one minor difference between the two people, that difference is enough to make one person the oppressor and the other the oppressed and put them into the same boat...and in many cases, they'll use that to fight over which one is the oppressor and which the oppressed (if you had two fat black trans lesbians who are physically/mentally disabled [both self-dxed] and have multiple kins, and persxn A is one pound heavier than persxn B, then persxn A would say "I am one pound heavier than you, therefore you have thin privilege over me and I'M the oppressed one!", while persxn B would say "well, you're only heavier because your clothes are heavier than mine, meaning you can afford better quality clothing than I do, meaning you're WEALTHIER than I am, meaning you've got class privilege over me and I'M the oppressed one!")

2- On the one hand, if they did take control, this leads to a likeliness totalitarian/toxic Communism won't happen, simply because of Oppression Olympics leading to everyone believing THEY are the most oppressed person in the whole world (and thus, the only person who should be allowed to rule to make things right.) Because of that, a revolution is unlikely to happen since it's much more likely we get "Civil War II is Battle Royale Mode- every person fights everyone else to the last human standing, and they'll attack the mirror."

Indeed, the biggest reason the Woke has failed to fix problems while the legit Fascists are succeeding on the right is because the Fascists will work together for their goals and don't really care who gets the credit for doing it as long as they get what they're fighting for...but to the Woke, the credit is all they really want. They're basically little kids playing Harry Potter at recess, and they're secretly perfectly willing to let the world go to hell until such time as they've jockeyed into position as the hero who gets the credit for destroying it...and more specifically, if they DON'T get to be that hero, they're happy to fight to keep the world in hell just to spite everyone else. (Shit, Trump came to power in large part due to the Bernie bros who made it clear to Hillary supporters "if I can't have OUR way, I won't let you have YOUR WAY EITHER!", and Biden won in large part because the Democrats who supported otherwise were willing to say "...fine, it's more important Trump is out of power we GUESS we'll let you have your way for now.")

3- That's also the bigger worry about the radical woke progressives overtaking the mainstream: People just get more conservative as they grow older. These kids are angsty teens who believe they're the center of the universe now, but when they come of age and take office, in all likeliness they'll get more centrist or even become right-wingers. This is something to be afraid of, because the real ones know the issue isn't Republican vs. Democrat or even Fascist vs. Communist, but rather Authoritarianism vs. Anarchy...and even if leftists get more conservative with age, authoritarian people don't usually get more libertarian as they age, they will just get more centrist or right wing but still believe authoritarianism is the key.