An interview from during the campaign in which Trump heaps praise on numerous media executives, including Zionist Rupert Murdoch, Zionist Ari Emanuel, Zionist Sumner Redstone, ZIonist Jeff Zucker, CBS's Les Moonves, and NBC's Andy Lack.
Brett Ratner, business partner of Treasury Secretary Steve Mnuchin, claims that he never knew that Meyer Lansky was his "childhood friend" until after his father died.
Article by the late Michael Collins Piper detailing how the majority of Trump's casino empire came from his acquisition of CIA/Mossad front group Resorts International.
A 2008 article about "New York Lovin Russian Oligarchs," many of whom just happen to have close connections to Trump, Israel, Russia, and Chabad Lubavitch.
Profile of "Russian" mogul Len Blavatnik, another business partner of Mnuchin's with close ties to Israel and Chabad.
Details the relationship between Mnuchin and yet another business partner, Australian mogul and close Netanyahu pal James Packer.
A recent speech in which Trump, in a complete 180 from his campaign rhetoric, explains that the reason he has Goldman people in charge of the economy is because they are rich and smart. Mnuchin's connections indicate that this might not be the only reason Trump surrounds himself with Goldman.
All that being said, Trump's task is to create a partisan atmophere enough for the sheep to attach themselves merely to his personality and public relation tweets (tweets he probably does not write) so that the diehard Trump supporters display a cognitive dissonance which disillusions their critical thinking and creates a partisan hive-mind denying anthing critical of Trump, whilst the diehard haters of Trump display a partisan view of seeking out any form of media which may overtly attack Trump in a limited hangout manner, such as the CNN and MSNBC neoliberal corporate broadcasts. Trump, of course, friends with all of the executies on both sides of the political spectrum -- a spectrum, which is merely a paradigm -- represents a third way in a limited hangout operation, an operation which seeks to further divide the people by class, party, race, education, demograhpics, party etc. To distract them with trivial, frivolous happenings, happenings which are insignificant or overtly supervised by Cloak and Dagger means, such as Russiagate, the 'Fake News' phenomenon, which effectively distorted the definition of propaganda, perception mangement and psychological operations. Trump was a willing constituent in this operation. Efficient enough in distracting the people from the very real issues, such as central banking schemes, FISA, unpatriotic, unconstitutional policies such as NDAA, Smith Mundt Modernization Act of 2012, created by a Republican who is a member of both the CFR and CNP; Red Flag and Hate Speech laws advocatd by Trump which nullifies our 1st amendment right to free speech and of course the real perpetrator behind 9/11 and the Global war on Terror. Trump knows all to well who these people are, because he hangs out with them, and has been good friends with them well before 9/11 In fact, indebted to them.
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