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[–]Jesus[S] 2 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 0 fun3 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

9/11 was predicted through the Israeli messaging service, Odigo.

Anonymous text messages were received, stating the attack would happen at a specific time. Washington Post published,

"The notes ended with an anti-Semitic slur." No follow up has ever been reported.

LMFAO, Jewish Likudnik Zionists had to warn their own that they were going to kill thousands of their enemies in the US but had to, oh so had to, end it with an anti-Semitic slur, as the story goes so that they could follow up the story or simply discredit those getting to close to the truth concerning this issue by saying:

Hey look, it couldn't have been a Jew who warned other Jews about this attack, he was an anti-Semite (misnomor) it must have been a muslim who was boasting about it before it happened and who magically warned many Jews about what was to transpire so they would be spared.