TIL since it is forbidden for Jews to carry certain objects in public during Shabbat, many cities have installed lines in the air, enclosing the city, making the entire city count as private domain and thus making it allowed to carry among other things, house keys, tissues, medication, and babies.(en.wikipedia.org)
TIL There is an inverse correlation between the amount of money spent on a wedding, and how long the marriage lasts. The more people spend on the ceremony, the more likely the couple will get divorced.(insider.com)
TIL about the usage of the 'word' Texas.(i.imgur.com)
A reverse exorcism is when the demon tells the priest to get out of the child's body(self)
TIL about a murderer that couldn't be executed due to the innocence of his parasitic, conjoined twin(en.wikipedia.org)
TIL an AI that tracks "hate speech" finds minorities to be the worst offenders.(youtube.com)
TIL that in English, swear words tend to have Germanic origins (fuck, shit, etc.) while euphemisms tend to have Latin origins (copulate, defecate, etc.)(grin.com)
TIL that there are three islands in lakes on islands in lakes on islands, all in Canada. There used to be four, until the Taal Volcano Main Crater Lake in the Philippines was emptied after an eruption on January 12, 2020.(en.wikipedia.org)
TIL black people think they invented mac and cheese, and can be triggered by white ppl making it.(hostux.pics)
TIL that the great mathematician and logician Kurt Gödel, famous for his incompleteness theorems, refused to eat anything not cooked by his wife out of fear of poisoning and died of starvation when she was hospitalized and unable to cook for him.(en.wikipedia.org)
TIL of Brandolini's Law, aka the "Bullshit Asymmetry Principle" which states, "The amount of energy needed to refute bullshit is an order of magnitude bigger than to produce it"(en.wikipedia.org)
A finger in the bum can make you cum(abc.net.au)
TIL American chickens can be processed in China, shipped back, and legally sold in the U.S. as American products(thefactsource.com)
TIL about the dancing plague of 1518 in Strasbourg where hundreds started to dance maniacally without any known reason, some even dancing to their death.(en.wikipedia.org)
TIL the founder of the Chinese Communist Party, Mao Zedong, was responsible for the deaths of over 65 million people, making him the most prolific killer of the 20th century.(heritage.org)
TIL that the small Pacific island nation of Nauru was once the richest country in the world thanks to phosphate mines, but as the phosphate was depleted it descended into poverty, reaching 90% unemployment.(telegraph.co.uk)
Marathon Runners Poop Themselves An Extraordinary Amount. This Is Why.(iflscience.com)
TIL That Humans have a limited ability to care about people outside their social circle, and this is why there will always be what some consider social injustice.(lundtan.lundaekonomerna.se)
TIL that in 532, half of Constantinople was destroyed and tens of thousand died in riots between supporters of different chariot racing factions.(en.wikipedia.org)
TIL that "My Big Fat Greek Wedding" is one of the most profitable films of all time with a 6150% return on investment(cnbc.com)
TIL Zionist Jews orchestrated 9/11(takeourworldback.com)
TIL there are more payday loan stores in the US than there are Starbucks or McDonald’s.(research.stlouisfed.org)
TIL most men’s right testicle is slightly larger than the left, and tends to hang a little higher.(healthline.com)
TIL about the World's littlest skyscraper(en.m.wikipedia.org)