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[–]JulienMayfair 5 insightful - 1 fun5 insightful - 0 fun6 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Gay men and lesbians don't need extensive therapy, puberty blockers, life time hormone replacement therapy, expensive surgeries, and a life time of medical complications from all this.

It's also a fairly simple case of careerism. After the gay marriage SCOTUS decision in the U.S., the LGB had won most of their major battles. But all these professional activists desperately needed something to do to continue justifying their paychecks, so they turned to trans issues.

For example, back in the 1980s, when we really needed it, my university, a major big-name one, had no official support for LGB students whatsoever. Zero. Now, when all this stuff has become mainstream, they have this huge, fully-staffed Gender and Sexual Diversity Office. And guess what they offer workshops on these days: "Trans 101" and "Pronouns." There's hardly a word about LGB on their site. The LGB are last-year's news to them.

I call these people "grievance grifters." The less there is for them to complain about, the more loudly they complain. But their paid positions have spread like a cancer, and if you do anything to threaten their gravy train, they will try to destroy you.

A genuine activist should always be trying to put him or herself out of a job. Solve the problem, and move on.