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[–]SundogsPlace[S] 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

It's simple: World Cabal exploits people the world over, continually pointing known, and even newly created differences between us; always pushing further. They give people a false sense that somehow it's okay to push, shove, hurt, and scream their way till the narrative they choose is 'the only one'; anything that deviates is bad, and okay to smash.

They use these people as a catalyst, along with the strong media operations to quell the larger population of any given area into subjugation. It doesn't matter the topic, the topic only need to be one that evokes strong emotions that many would rather just compromise in some way than anything else.

The topic drives the reaction; you repeat this process enough over a broad spectrum of events, and soon any society becomes reactionary, and pliable. They mix in celebrities that carry the topic, show that it's an 'attractive topic', and as long as you carry along in the 'cabal' approved method, then you're 'attractive to them'; basica manipulation.

What is reactionary? In our current paradigm, we've been taught that even a single 'fart', can ruin the world; believe me, we've been trained to react. A reactionary populace is necessary for a Command, and Control structure; think about that, because 'they've' nearly got us there; a new golden age where we are simply told what, and who any of us are, on a daily changing basis.