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[–]HeyImSancho[S] 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (4 children)

Well, I've got to say, I can sense your attempt at dry humor, but the grammar is difficult; especially with the use of double negatives.

Have not seen you speaking russian, so shut.

Here's my take, I've lived extensively out of the US, and on my own; only my partner, and my dogs. I would recommend to people like yourself, to actually go see what goes on in some 3rd world countries.

Thats exactly why they are moving.

Actually at this point, you don't have to. We can look at Europe, the UK, and even much of the US of A now.

Part of the people that associate themselves with right wing are nazis therefore right wing=nazi.

I could entirely be misinterpreting your post, so perhaps, you could comment/post with some factual numbers to back up whatever your actual position is;

Here is a fun little statistic: Iraq war caused about 200 000 documented civilian deaths. Country is fucked. Economically fucked too. But if anyone wants to move from Iraq into more civilized countries so that their family can have a brighter future they are apparently an extremists and a rapists or whatever.

You want me to measure some ones political affiliations or something? Or link you some study? Here, i found one after googling for 2 min(it even supports my point of view):

Funny how it just confirms the obvious.

To add to living in other countries, every country we lived in, the people weren't expected to bow to the new 'cultural influences', but instead, as foreign guests, we bowed to theirs.

When it's the other way around, well, that's just a take over; if you think I'm wrong, please explain in detail.

When did i imply that i disagree with it?


I would rather read your original thoughts, instead of countering directly to what I wrote, but here goes. As far grammar, or comprehension of a language, you do well considering English isn't your first language; bravo! Yet, ''so shut'', I assume is some half ass attempt at telling me to shut up, am I wrong?

If not, then how immature, and telling; I note a lot of folks screaming for others to 'shut up'; usually they wear the cloak of 'antifa'; the irony there is that facism foments controls, via media, and what people can hear, or not hear by way of making people: ''so shut''...

Fucking hilarious, if that's what 'so shut' means, hahahaha

Onto the next off the cuff lack of any substantial contribution; without citing any reason you state, that people move to the US, since I lived there, then the folks moved here just because.... I don't recall it that way; I employed people who liked living where they did, and the lifestyle. What I experienced as to why people were moving here(the States), was basically the same reason people moved to California back in the day, 'TO MAKE IT BIG'; yet, do to failure of such dreams, many had the fall back to get on welfare as the US has always given it freely for the most part to illegals.

In talking with family members, it was always interesting, they'd say, 'hey, my so and so moved to the States'.... Then the discussion would follow with, 'but now, they only think about money, and don't really talk with us anymore.'.... Now that's what I've experienced, and more, but I get the feeling that you don't really give a shit about anything other than whatever your goal is, but I digress, and will continue ;-)

As far as Nazis, I could be wrong again, but what's your intention with bringing up dead dudes from the early part of the 20th century? Again, the only 'people', I know bringing that up are a bunch of idiots hiding behind the cloak of 'antifa', never realizing what facism, communism(like you may, or may not know), socialism, capitalism, or any other 'ism'..... Actually being what they claim to fight against. But hey, can you explain why you brought up nazis; please do so in detail so I can be schooled.

The concept of silencing people by way of half ass comparisons to Nazis, KKK, baby eaters, baby fuckers, homos, or god only knows what else, or other stretches of the imagination, just doesn't have the power it once had. Fuck, think, 'broken record' okay?

As far as the Iraq war, I never supported it, you didn't as a Russian, but who did support it was bipartisan Congress critters; they made a bunch of money.

What does Iraq have to do with your position any ways? My words that you quote to rant on Iraq, were asking what your actual 'position' was, in regards to your first post; which didn't say much. So I asked......

Why doesn't Iraq rebuild? If it's just the people there now, but it's uncivilized, how does that work in your mind; who's uncivilized? Did you support Saddam?

The deal is, as you being a Russian, you know the Russian Govt. vets people very well. The problem in the US, are literal elements usurping the laws written in a Free Republic, they don't want anyone vetted, and instead 'move them(meaning anyone), all in'. What stops the created terrorists from moving in, what stops the criminals, and the countries purposely deporting their undesirables from coming in, and ruining what is?

When I say ruining, not just taking advantage of money, and resources that simply aren't; to the new increasing stranglehold of policies, dictates, and the ever increasingly coming into view authoritarianism that's occurring? I guess you don't see that, as you come from what once was a Communist nation.

LMAO, and the final portion of your statements,"When did I imply that i disagree with it?' am I wrong in you inferring that you're hear to promote a 'take over of the US'... LMAO, Fuck it, you don't have to answer anything I wrote back above, just explain, are you for a takeover of the US? And into what form? What's your vision for this paradise?

[–]Reddit_sucks_dick 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (3 children)


[–]HeyImSancho[S] 1 insightful - 2 fun1 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 2 fun -  (2 children)

pleez shut!

[–]Reddit_sucks_dick 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (1 child)


[–]HeyImSancho[S] 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)
