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[–]HiddenFox 6 insightful - 1 fun6 insightful - 0 fun7 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

I think it was the invention of the smart phone as well as social media.

These two things let the idiots of the world organize and influence. People who would normally have been dismissed in the community suddenly found support from global peers that think like them. Information on how to spread and influence came with it.

Take men playing in women's sports. In the 2000s anyone who said that would have been dismissed and laughed out of the building. Now, (I believe) even though most people disagree with it, it's being pushed hard (and pushed back) and its all thanks to social media organization on a country/global level.

This scenario applies to almost all facets of society that are currently being altered. A group of people with an opinion/idea get together and force it upon everyone until it becomes the norm. (Like political lobbying, running for positions of power like School board positions that most people don't care or give a second though about, etc..) Usually little though is given to the repercussions. People who speak up are shouted down by the group which seams like a lot of people (say a million) but are really just a small minority in the scale of things (i.e. 350 Million+ people in America) But 1 voice vs this size group is no match so the individual folds.