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[–]ZephirAWT[S] 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (1 child)

Meteorologists can predict Middle East storms years in advance by observing Mars. Back in 2014, two scientists from the University of Washington studied climate data spanning 15 years and discovered that lunar tallies affect rainfall. Tsubasa Kohyama and his professor John Wallace studied rainfall data spanning 15 years between 1998 and 2012 and found that the position of the moon when it is overhead from our vantage point standing on earth or under foot, air pressure increases, which leads to elevated temperatures, more absorbed moisture and less rainfall.

However, the effect was only 1% of all rainfall variations but the data was significant enough to link the position of the moon with rainfall. At rising or setting from our vantage point, rainfall should theoretically be higher. But at the meridian, according to the study, the moon decreases rainfall. The science behind this study is that the moon’s gravity pull’s earth’s atmosphere higher, increasing air pressure. When this happens, the air beneath becomes warmer and able to absorb more moisture. This study allows us to use the position of the moon as our rainfall trigger.

In addition, with the moon understood as having a stabilizing effect on Earth’s wobble, we can point to the position of the moon relative to Mars as being a momentary adversarial influence against Mars’s gravitational pull upon earth’s axial tilt, in that when the moon lines up opposite to Mars, it can momentarily shift temperatures away from the current trend that is fostered by Mars’s gravitational pull on the Earth.

There is surprisingly strong evidence that the position of Mars correlates strongly with the stock market crashes is in conflict with the basic beliefs of physicalist. During the crashes the distance of Mars remains at the other side of the Sun than Earth. The data of the 25 major stock market crashes and downturns in US history shows a 100% correlation between such events and Mars position in relation to Earth. Every stock market crash and major stock downturn in US history has happened when Mars was orbiting behind the sun from earth’s point of view. When Mars is going further out from earth, it is also when Mars's gravity is puling Earth’s axial tilt towards the sun, possibly bringing warmer temperatures. See also:

The book Mars Hypothesis of Anthony Peter Moore presents the idea that the Federal Reserve can set interest rates based on the movements of the planet Mars. In this book, data going back to 1896 shows that as of April 2020, percentage-wise, the Dow Jones rose 857%. When Mars was within 30 degrees of the lunar node since 1896, the Dow rose 136%. When Mars was not within 30 degrees of the lunar node, the Dow rose 721%. Mars retrograde phases during the time Mars was within 30 degrees of the lunar node was not counted in that data as Mars being within 30 degrees of the lunar node. The purpose of the book is to not only hypothesize that the Federal Reserve can set interest rates based on the movements of the planet Mars, but to also demonstrate exactly how and at the same time.

[–]ZephirAWT[S] 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

All these publications are single man research and as such they may suffer with confirmation bias. Of course we cannot expect that changes on Mars would affect changes here at the Earth as author seems to imply - rather than that, they would share some common origin. Nevertheless the idea that distribution of planets across solar system can affect terrestrial processes has its firm root in astrology and its also consistent with modern climatic and geophysical research. It's also consistent with dense aether model of global warming affected with distribution of dark matter (scalar waves and neutrinos) across solar system 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8.

This distribution can be affected by mutual geometry of planets in a multiple ways. The scalar wave shadows along connection line of massive bodies is one of them, but production of solar anti-neutrinos can be also modulated by barycenter of solar system (which indeed depends on mutual position of planets too) and in some other ways affected by heliomagnetism. There is also rising body of evidence that density of scalar waves can affect human mind (lunar effect as an prominent example).

[–]ZephirAWT[S] 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

According to the so-called Standard Solar Model, nuclear fusion reactions at the sun's center pump out vast quantities of energy. About 2 percent of that energy should appear in the form of neutrinos - fundamental particles that interact only weakly with matter. But that's not what researchers see. Data collected by an Earth-based Homestake detectors over a period of 20 years suggest that the neutrino flow from the sun varies from time to time rather than remaining constant. Moreover, the flux seems to follow a pattern that runs counter to the rise and fall in the number of sunspots visible on the sun's surface. This time variation of the neutrino flux coincides with the well-known 11-year cycle of solar activity, which further coincides well with the orbital period of Jupiter planet. The neutrino flux is high when solar activity is low and declines to near-zero values as the number of sunspots rises to a peak.

There are another indicia of dark matter involvement in the solar dynamics. For example the outer portions of Sun rotate as a single body (roughly like the cylinder) - in similar way, like the stars at the perimeter of galaxies. It was also observed, above sun spots (which are colder than the rest of surface of sun) the solar corona gets hotter. During a sunspot minimum, the corona's temperature near the poles cools about 1 million degrees or so simultaneously in the northern and southern hemispheres. But coming out of the last solar minimum, the northern hemisphere warmed faster than the southern hemisphere. Moreover, at the high point of Cycle 24, the corona's maximum temperature was significantly lower than during previous high points in sunspot activity and the CME outbursts appear to have been erupting less often as the number of sunspots increased. Typically, CME outbursts become more frequent as the number of sunspots increases.

It was also observed, above sun spots (which are colder than the rest of surface of sun) the solar corona gets hotter. During a sunspot minimum, the corona's temperature near the poles cools about 1 million degrees or so simultaneously in the northern and southern hemispheres. But coming out of the last solar minimum, the northern hemisphere warmed faster than the southern hemisphere. Moreover, at the high point of Cycle 24, the corona's maximum temperature was significantly lower than during previous high points in sunspot activity and the CME outbursts appear to have been erupting less often as the number of sunspots increased. Typically, CME outbursts become more frequent as the number of sunspots increases.

And finally we talked here about evidence of neutrino or dark matter flux from solar poles, which would resemble the jets emanated with pulsars or black holes. This flux affects the speed of decay of radioactive elements at the spaceprobes flying around Sun with frequency, which coincides with frequency of solar core rotation - not the solar surface (the core of Sun rotates significantly faster) - which would imply, the solar core is the source of this flux. Recent observations of solar heliosphere also indicate the presence of these jets, as it has an elongated shape with waving ends.