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[–]ZephirAWT[S] 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (2 children)

Quantum computers teleport and store energy harvested from empty space (archive) The researchers used quantum computer to simulate how energy could be teleported and stored in a qubit. Traditional QET protocols extract energy from ``quasi-vacuum'' state, but the extracted quantum energy is dissipated into classical devices, limiting its practical utility. To address this limitation, authors propose an enhanced QET protocol that incorporates an additional qubit, enabling the stored energy to be stored within a quantum register for future use. The researchers experimentally validated this enhanced protocol using IBM superconducting quantum computers, demonstrating its feasibility and potential for future applications in quantum energy manipulation.

Imagine the entangled qubits are separated and handed off to two people, whom we can call Alice and Bob. When Alice takes a measurement of her qubit, it both reveals information about the qubit’s fluctuations and slightly increases its energy. Because the qubits are entangled, their quantum state changes as a pair. But Bob cannot see that just by looking at his qubit, or without making a measurement that would also disturb the two.

Then Alice calls Bob and communicates the details of the measurement, which tells Bob just how much energy the qubit pair gained from Alice’s actions – and how to extract it. Bob uses this information to harvest the extra energy from his half of the qubit pair. Crucially, he then transfers that energy to a third qubit, which will be used for storage.

One of my theories for overunity inside of ferromagnetics with periodically undulating ferromagnetic domains (within the devices such as MEG) is, that growing domain absorbs thermal fluctuations of material during its growth and releases them at once during its collapse. The Gauss nonradiating condition prohibits the premature dissipative radiative decay of concentrated energy providing that ferromagnetic domain remains strictly spherical during its growth. See also:

[–]RedditButt 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (1 child)

Paywalled. Also lol @ the random stock image of a cpu in the article.

[–]ZephirAWT[S] 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Paywalled. Also lol @ the random stock image of a cpu in the article.

Check the "archive" link in the leading post..

[–]ZephirAWT[S] 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Experimental evidence that a photon can spend a negative amount of time in an atom cloud

When a pulse of light traverses a material, it incurs a time delay referred to as the group delay. Should the group delay experienced by photons be attributed to the time they spend as atomic excitations? However reasonable this connection may seem, it appears problematic when the frequency of the light is close to the atomic resonance, as the group delay becomes negative in this regime. To address this question, we use the cross-Kerr effect to probe the degree of atomic excitation caused by a resonant transmitted photon, by measuring the phase shift on a separate beam that is weak and off-resonant. Our results, over a range of pulse durations and optical depths, are consistent with the recent theoretical prediction that the mean atomic excitation time caused by a transmitted photon (as measured via the time integral of the observed phase shift) equals the group delay experienced by the light. These results suggest that negative values taken by times such as the group delay have more physical significance than has generally been appreciated.

The paper is about measuring the atomic excitation time caused by those single photons. That atomic excitation time is mapped to a phase shift of another beam, a classical one, continuous wave. A single photon has no definite phase so it is not possible to track those phases. So that authors set a definition for that excitation time being the time integral of those phase shifts imparted on the auxiliary beam. When they integrated and saw those excitation times, they happened to correspond to the group delay. Which would mean that the origin of the group delay that the wave packet of the photon picks up can be attributed to the time they spent as an atomic excitation (“inside the atoms”).

So that the above article is about radiative time arrow but negative thermodynamic time would also imply breaking thermodynamic time arrow, i.e. the overunity and potentially perpetually mobile stuffs. I.e. that the photon wave collects quantum excitations during its travel through atom cloud and accumulate them at the output like some sort of rogue Draupner wave travelling through ocean while collecting energy from it. When waves formed by a storm develop in a water current against the normal wave direction, an interaction can take place which results in a shortening of the wave frequency. This can cause the waves to dynamically join together, forming very big 'rogue' waves. See also:

  • Physicists demonstrate first time reversal of water waves After a source generates a wave, the wave propagates through a medium and is recorded at a few points in its surroundings by an optical method. Then, the wave is re-emitted in a way so that its energy focuses back at the initial source position, as though the wave were being played backwards. Because the wave precisely retraces its original path as it travels back to its source, its mathematical description is reversed in time but is otherwise exactly the same.
  • Negative Time is Real, Physicists Confirm. Kind Of.