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[–]Apolitical_Corrector 5 insightful - 1 fun5 insightful - 0 fun6 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Thank you for the information. I think I have had run-ins with similar groups. What should I call this group or these groups in the canary? Do they have a proper name?

Yes, the organization that has concocted this Censorship scheme is called the "Anti-Defamation" League, or the "ADL".

They like to pretend that they are a benevolent "civil rights organization" dedicated to "fighting anti-Semitism, racism bigotry, and the like, but that is a false-front. In reality, they are an Unregistered Foreign Agent of the State of Israel with a long and sordid history of subversive and seditious activities. Indeed, in the 1990's they were busted by the FBI for spying on US politicians, organizations and individuals on behalf of TWO foreign governments: Israel and Apartheid South Africa -- this spying had gone on for decades.

The LA Times covered the spying case extensively, and the articles are in their archives:

For a time, this was quite the scandal for the ADL, but in the end, it was little more than an embarrassment. In spite of the reams of evidence gathered and the prosecution of their agents, the ADL itself was let of with a token financial punishment, and never even admitted any wrongdoing -- a testament to the political and financial power wielded by the ADL and its sister organizations.

I see SPLC, but that sounds like just one part?

Indeed, the ADL and the SPLC have been closely linked since the latter was founded, but the SPLC is subservient to the ADL, valuable because, unlike the ADL, the SPLC is not intrinsically linked to Jewish organizations, Israel or their interests, providing "plausible deniability".

Is the JIDF involved with this as well?

JIDF is (or was?) a real organization, but as such, it is largely irrelevant. These days, the "JIDF" term is usually used in reference to the broader internet operations of Zionists and their loyal operatives (paid and volunteer, in Israel and abroad), that have been diligently patrolling the web to promote and defend Zionist interests for decades. Many of these same people will be working (paid) as "trusted flaggers" under the new Censorship scheme being pushed by the ADL.

I have REAMS of information - internal documents, mainstream news stories and other cites that fully document the history of this Censorship Scheme by the ADL and their foreign counterparts in Europe and elsewhere. The amount of info is somewhat overwhelming, and it needs to be sorted for readability, so I don't want to dump it here.

Point me to an appropriate sub, and I'll drop the links there so that others who are interested can dig further.