SaidIt Community
This SaidIt Community subsaidit is for organizing bottom-up self-reliance solutions, guides to lead by example rather than by dictate, and to develop ways to help and support each other and our community, rather than overburden and depend upon top-down mods and admins - for a fair, open, better user experience.
This sub should not be confused with the official /s/SaidIt sub nor /s/IdeasForSaidIt for SaidIt feature requests. Also visit /s/DiscoverSaidit to see what you may be missing. And /s/SaidItCreatives is a place for creative people to aggregate, collaborate, showcase, and show off.
FOTPACHIES Management : Fair, Open, Transparent, Peaceful, Accountable, Consistent, Honest, Inclusive*, Ethical, Social Management.
*Inclusive = to include the community in decisions, not the critical-woke meaning.
You may add to the open-wiki /s/SaidItCommunity/wiki/ if your user account is over 100 days old.
/s/Cassy + wiki
/s/CopyrightActivism + wiki
/s/Decentralize4Dummies + wiki
/s/DecentralizeAllThings + wiki
/s/FreeMediaHeckYeah + wiki
/s/InfoGalactic +
/s/Internet + wiki
/s/PhoenixForum + wiki
/s/Projex + Projex.Wiki
/s/SaidIt + wiki
/s/SaidItCreatives + wiki
/s/SaiditCSSthemes + wiki
/s/SaidItCommunity + wiki
/s/SaidItSurveys + wiki
/s/Surveillance + wiki
/s/WikiSpooks +
SaidIt FAQ & Wikis
SaidIt article on InfoGalactic
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SaidIt on Reddit
SaidIt source code on GitHub
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The Pyramid Of Debate
Ask to co-mod or earn an invite.
CSS and banner images by /u/JasonCarswell