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[–]Alienhunter 2 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 0 fun3 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Will add that I think the association of the religious people with the "conservatives" is a relatively recent phenomenon. I think the religious "conservative" moral panic types are a lot closer to progressive liberal ideals than conservative positions. I mean if you think about it they are anti-alcohol, anti-drug, anti-gambling, etc, all these anti-vice positions were a big part of progressive movements and were and are largely driven by women, partly because women have more empathy and see the legitimate problems all these vices cause, but also partially because on some level they don't want to compete with men's attention with various vices. In the past these women tended to be highly religious because well, the church was the primary social institution and that's where women did their socializing. (It's not like they were the ones going to the saloon.)

Now I think it's changed and the internet has become the primary socialization hub. I think you'll see that with the mass adoption of cellphones, there's a huge increase in women using it along with the rise in social media.

Again somewhat anecdotal but when I first got on Facebook made tons of friends with women (hell yeah why not) and noticed that in general they tended to post a lot more often and a lot of the, what I'd call non-humorous memes, political populist points, etc. Even if it was still at a point where I largely agreed with them I thought it was rather a waste of time.