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[–]magnora7 5 insightful - 4 fun5 insightful - 3 fun6 insightful - 4 fun -  (0 children)

I think some people also don't want to believe it's true, because that would mean they've been reading shill opinions without realizing it and taking them as actual opinions. Fully realizing this is kind of a worldview shift if you've spent years reading forums. The denial is strong. It's like people who watch WWE wrestling don't want to hear how it's fake, even though deep down they probably know it is.

The entertainment value of forums is diminished if one fully realizes half the comments are equivalent to reading a paid commercial billboard, and that forums are no longer the organic thoughtful places they once were. Letting go of the ideal of the internet as a window of worldwide communication and instead seeing it as a massive propaganda network, is a large very un-fun thing to realize, and some people are trying to hit the snooze button on that realization because they're still getting some enjoyment out of it yet.

I think this natural psychological mechanism is working neatly alongside all the gaslighting shills and people who are paid to defend the interests of the powerful. It's like 50/50