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[–]SoCo 3 insightful - 1 fun3 insightful - 0 fun4 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

It's always a trick for rich old dudes to make money and stay in power...

It was used as a method to defraud concerned people into funding the DNC's 2020 election campaign.

(The Congress men/women/critters on stage are just the actors, we don't see the rich old white dudes who control them.)

In 2014/2015, the DNC was super broke. Hillary largely funded her own campaign in 2016 and is credited with 'keeping the DNC's lights on', to some extent, literally, during that time, as Obama reportedly drained the coffers not refilling them. They had to rob old man Bernie Sander's supporters' for campaign cash.

When Hillary turned into a hot-turd of corruption that spewed on display before the election, it seemed letting Trump win would be a sure fire way to sit one presidential cycle out and rake in campaign funding for a decade to come, simply by criticizing him and hoping he screws up.

It didn't work that way; Trump did very well, was popular, and improvements were hard to ignore. Now the DNC have screwed up big time, overplayed their hand and risk their party ending due to loss of confidence and campaign cash that comes with it.

Along the way Trump made the most significant strides to police reform with his get-the-ball-rolling executive order. A much larger effort for police reform was submitted by R. Tim Scott in 2020, but despicably and hypocritically blocked by Dem Defund-The-Police Senators.

Chicago and all of Illinois watched Richard J. Durbin (D-Ill.) help block the reform calling it a "token, half-hearted approach." Most likely the shit-bird was overtly was calling Tim Scott a 'Tolken', in a tough-in-cheek way.

Just like when blocking the first Covid relief bill in the Senate and repackaging it as their own in the House after stalling a week....

...Biden later used an Executive Order to enact much of Tim Scott's bill, but in broken ways, one might assume was setup to fail. Something that seemed more like a token gesture.

“After the radical ‘defund the police’ movement helped create the current crime wave, President Biden is pursuing a partisan approach to many of the exact same policy solutions I proposed in the JUSTICE Act just two years ago” ​

“The fact is Democrats used a filibuster they call racist to block my reforms that they’re now embracing,”

“While my proposal added funding to help local law enforcement comply with higher standards, the Democrats’ proposal sets departments up for failure by issuing unfunded federal mandates. Making it harder for police to do their jobs to the best of their ability should be a nonstarter, yet that’s exactly what the Biden plan does​,” ..... “I’m disappointed that the president who campaigned on unity has once again fallen into the trap of divisive politics​.”