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[–]zyxzevn 4 insightful - 1 fun4 insightful - 0 fun5 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

I agree that most logical fallacies should be avoided.
Usually they are used as insults, and degrade a discussion as such.

They can also be signs of low intelligence. Like "the fact-checkers say that the covid vaccine is safe".
This is wrong:,(1) because the fact-checkers are not checking any facts, but pushing propaganda.
(2) the fact-checkers are working with big-pharma.
(3) the fact-checkers often refer to news articles (from CNN or Reuters) that are fake
(3) there is no "vaccine" (dead or weakened virus), but an experimental injection. They changed the definition.
(4) the "vaccine" does not provide immunity nor reduce the spread. So it does not even come close.
(5) actual real-world data shows that the experimental injection is very unsafe
(6) there is clear evidence of a cover-up campaign to hide the deaths and injured
(7) there is no scientific literature that supports it.
(8) you can win a million or more, if you can show evidence that the experiment is safe

The logical fallacies are often used in humor or jokes, and can actually improve the joke.
By adding a logical fallacy the joke can become more ridiculous or make a caricature of a group.
Example: "If you debate with logic you are a white supremacist or an Asian.."