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[–]filbs111 7 insightful - 2 fun7 insightful - 1 fun8 insightful - 2 fun -  (0 children)

Appears to be limited to 10 results. The same searches for other users have at most 10 results. Perhaps there is intended to be some paging feature.

By adding &count={number} , i can get a broken "prev" button to show on the page, for n>0 , but cannot get more than 10 results. Clicking the "prev" button gives an idea to try.

I can add &after=t5_{id} , for some id returned in the search results, and get fewer results, but can't get it to actually show anything not in the original 10 results

In summary, yes, this seems to be broken. The code for Saidit is open source. From a link at the bottom of Saidit: .