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[–]SaidOverRed[S] 3 insightful - 2 fun3 insightful - 1 fun4 insightful - 2 fun -  (0 children)

I have heard this. It seems to be mildly common red pill wisdom. I do see areas where this is definitely true. But I have a beef that probably prevents me from making having a larger objective opinion on it. So I leave it be for now.

I'm not sure why that's relevant, other than to point out why someone as innocuous as me got banned from there. Perhaps it was because I told them I was also banned from /r/MGTOW. I'm not sure. They did find that rather funny. The irony abounds. At least saidit has the moderation log public so I could figure out what I did "wrong." Apparently it was to simply disagree with 'we are x' and 'we will later make a debate sub' and just assume I would think this means NO DISSENT ALLOWED or whatever. I view this as a reddit toxicity hold-over.