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[–]zyxzevn 14 insightful - 2 fun14 insightful - 1 fun15 insightful - 2 fun -  (10 children)

Saidit is immediately spammed with links to

They will probably try to do something new to attack this site.

[–]Jesus 8 insightful - 3 fun8 insightful - 2 fun9 insightful - 3 fun -  (9 children)

Bluehost web hosting company, which is one of the 20 largest web hosts – all 20 of which are owned by Jews. Owned by Endurance International Group, in turn owned by the Jews’ private equity firms Warburg Pincus and GS Capital Partners.

[–]FormosaOolong 5 insightful - 3 fun5 insightful - 2 fun6 insightful - 3 fun -  (6 children)

I think you need to do some deep thinking about the difference beween "jews" and Zionist extremists. These are very different things, and interchanging them like this doesn't help any of your points.

[–]Jesus 2 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 0 fun3 insightful - 1 fun -  (5 children)

Jews can be anti-Zionist and still supremacists. I'm anti-Judaic and always will be. Zionism is NATIONALISM with Globalism, ie. Noahidism. The reformed secular sects are just as much at fault. Of course, there are good Jews that expose Israel and Fundamentalist judaism, such as Said and Shahak but they never seem to mention that Israel was founded on terrorism and is a illegitimate welfare state. Read Thomas Suarez's book and then maybe Israel Shahak's book. Judaism is a religion and ethnicity. But many progressive Jews renounced all the backwards religiosity of talmudism and fundamentalism and seek the nationalist ethnic agenda which was largely concocted by revisionist Zionists who founded the illegitimate state of Israel on terror.

A one state solution is the only answer. The ethnostate is ungodly. It is the antithesis of God as God is a globalist. He is a universalist and cares for all people who put his or her faith in Him in all countries, no matter the border. I have come to realize that putting your faith and voting in man is unscriptural. Christians who vote are false Christians.

Those who wish to preach the gospel to Jews in Israel are imprisoned for trying to convert a Jew to follow Yeshua. Some say it is the Zionist but I see a lot of degenerate Jews who believe America to be the NEW Jerusalem and could care less about Zionist. Such as the atheistic persons who call themselves Jews that push degeneracy in the media. These rich Jews are criminal degenerates. I pray that they find Christ.

Now with that all said, I do believe God seeks to convert Jews who listen to him. But few will open up their hearts. Israel and the US will be destroyed as Yeshua has prophesied. I pray that the ungodly, Pagan corporation of the US is destroyed and in its place a new kingdom of God's people rise up.

[–]FormosaOolong 3 insightful - 2 fun3 insightful - 1 fun4 insightful - 2 fun -  (4 children)

I'm going to guess you don't know any jewish people. I grew up in a place where the vast majority of my friends and classmates were jewish, though it's not like any of us even thought about our heritages except maybe in December when some of us had xmas trees and others menorahs.

It saddens me when you say Jews This and Jews That bc I actually agree with you completely about the Zionist agenda and the problems it and Isreal as a political entity present on a continuing basis.

I feel you undermine these valid points--especially to the people that really need to hear it--by lumping actual lovely normal human beings in with a political entity that has nothing to do with them. It's no different than saying all black people are criminals or all blonde women are bimbos. You have a real blind spot here and I suspect it is because you have never knowingly hung around with people from the group you demonize. There are assholes in every group--even people who claim to love Jesus--but that doesn't make everyone in that group an asshole.

And let's not forget where Jesus started out.

[–]send_nasty_stuff 3 insightful - 1 fun3 insightful - 0 fun4 insightful - 1 fun -  (2 children)

My best friend growing up was Ashkenazim on his mothers side. I spent almost as much time with his family as my own. I was a liberal for most of my life. I'm still capable of seeing jewish power and how it uses the 'kosher sandwich' with secular jews on one side and religious Jews on the other. Jews still support jews regardless of how they express their jewish revolutionary spirit.

One thing I noticed about my friend and his famiy growing up was how politics and following the news and their progressive values was like a religion to them. They never once considered that Christians or right wingers had a good point. It was always about how they had the moral high ground on everything. (granted since they were family friends they were never openly anti white or anti christian to me and my family; but their politics closely informed how they voted, where they shopped and almost everything they did).

It saddens me when you say Jews This and Jews That bc I actually agree with you completely about the Zionist agenda and the problems it and Isreal as a political entity present on a continuing basis.

I think it saddens you because Jews are constantly taught the whites can turn into nazis at the drop of the hat and start gassing jews. That just isn't true. In fact the shoah is used to unite Jews against outsiders. Which is why it's pushed so hard. The Jewish community is very powerful when it puts it's financial and community strength behind a topic.

by lumping actual lovely normal human beings in with a political entity that has nothing to do with them

Powerful jews in banking, media, and other institutions that are manipulating western capitalism absolutely are tied to the Jewish community. Powerful jews are constantly hitting the very very wealthy Jewish community up for money and tacit support. Do you really think sorros would keep helping african and islamic immigrants into Europe or funding media coordination think tanks if the Jewish community turned against him? Jews need to take responsibility for the actions of their community because these actions are almost always approved by jews. They are multiple books about the billions of dollars in Jewish political organization and one thing that all have in common is these organization get together and create narrow goals and push them on multiple fronts.

It's no different than saying all black people are criminals or all blonde women are bimbos

The JQ isn't about calling all jews rats and swindlers. It's a lot more complicated and nuanced then that. You either haven't actually looked into the JQ or you're here attempting to distract from it.

[–]Jesus 2 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 0 fun3 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

kosher sandwich' with secular jews on one side and religious Jews on the other. Jews still support jews regardless of how they express their jewish revolutionary spirit.

As a Christian, thank you. As someone who reads the bible and understands scripture, it is obvious to me that, as you've stated, it is much more nuanced than what it appears to be.

A good book to read would be Belloc's, titled "the Jews." He spent a great amount of time with Jews, of which his best friends were Jews. As a Christian, his short book, was a great read concerning the question of Jews, but he spent a great deal of time, as do others today, trying to tell his readers that he wasn't anti-Semitic. Even back then, it seems, one had to be careful and tiptoe over certain issues.

With the passing of the "kosher sandwich" Anti-Semitism bill, which many wealthy progressive and right-wing Likudnik Jews strove hard for its signage into law, it provides us with a clear example of Jews (not all) on both political asiles working together to abridge Christianity and constitutional rights.

Again, not blaming ALL Jews here. And certainly the Freemason noahides who founded this country, for Washington sought to make Hebrew the offical language, can be further looked into.

[–]Jesus 2 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 0 fun3 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Jews need to take responsibility for the actions of their community because these actions are almost always approved by Jews. They are multiple books about the billions of dollars in Jewish political organization and one thing that all have in common is these organization get together and create narrow goals and push...

Solzhenitsyn, though not faulting all Jews, makes this quite clear in his book '200 Years Together.' He says the Jews must come to terms with their past, referring to the progressive, secularist socialist Jews who sided with the Bolsheviks, and of whom held top positions in the commisar ranks. Instead of admiting to this, they censor and attack those who point this out. I would also recommend his other books including 'Cancer Ward,' 'Under the Rubble,' and 'Invisible Enemies,' among his others.

I must admit, that Israel Shahak, a Jewish author, has exposed the fundamentalist and utter supremacist and violent side of Judaism. He is a secular Jew and in the opening pages of hos book he paints homosexuality in a good light, though, I'm pretty sure he wouldn't teach this to his kids, and rather, he was referring to brining democracy to Israel for all people, Creeds and colors. And does not Israel have that? Tel Aviv is one of the gayest cities in the world.

Talmudism, Judaic messianism among the hasidic Noahide Lubavitch sects are the biggest problem for as integrationalists they will use any Jew to push their agenda.

[–]Jesus 2 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 0 fun3 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

I know Jewish people. And I praise the Jews such as Menuhin, Said, Shahak, Vanunu (now Christian) and the many others who expose the ethnostate and revisionist Zionism. I admit that only a minority of Jews are at fault, and I admit too, that like the gentile or the Christian, we must also come to terms with our bloody past.

I'm a Christian and so I'm anti-Judaism. I always will be. That does not mean I will persecute anyone; for Yeshua told us to turn the other cheek. Rabbinical Judaism teaches the opposite. I believe the Talmud is anti-Christ. It exclaims Yeshua is boiling in feces and Mary was a whore. Yeshua was the new covanent, the only covenant. Israel is a man and his people are the remanent that followed His Way, "The Way." It isn't the illegitimate state of Israel founded on Zionist Jewish terrorism, which Scofield was tasked with manipulating bible verses to trick Christians into supporting the Zionist cause, which, as I have now understood it to be connected to the Jesuit pope and the hasidic Chabad-Lubavitch sect pushing noahidism. (Maurice Pinay: exposes this on his twitter and in his book). For the Zionist ideology itself is one that is founded on terrorism. A thesis that Thomas Suraez details clearly in his book.

Are you Jewish? X-mas trees? Though Christmas is in itself a pagan concept. Yeshua would not denounce at all if I celebrated his life and gave to the needy.

We are all human and I do admit that Jews are the most propagandized people on the planet. A victim/persecution complex is built into their psyche by religiosity and tradition at birth for the Zionist cause. It has become the tradition of the religion, ever changing to accommodate for modern times but still holding dearly to backwards practices nevertheless.

It saddens me when you say Jews This and Jews That because I actually agree with you completely about the Zionist agenda and the problems it and Isreal as a political entity present on a continuing basis.

Jews are either religious or they are not. In which case they are merely ethnic Jews, and ethnic by how much, I'm not sure. To not only critique the woes of Zionism and its detrimental, racist beliefs but also supremacism and the false progressivism of certain atheistic Jews, and non-Jews too, but referring to the former, who push anti-Christian laws, and degeneracy, does not in anyway delegitimatize my concern for the commin Jew. Again, I'm not blaming all Jews here. I think you can read through the lines to know that when I post these things, I make a distinction that they ARE Jews, not that all Jews ARE the cause.

So, why is it that when I mention that someone is a Jew, I am immediately chastised, not by you, certainly we have had great conversations; but by other users, who cannot understand context and instead superimpose, or rather, protect the criminality of other Jews because they are afriad to critique or come to terms with their past. There certainly is an integrationalist ideology built into most of the sects of Judaism, including reformed, which tries to encompass Judaism as a monolith.

...a political entity that has nothing to do with them. It's no different than saying all black people are criminals or all blonde women are bimbos.

But see, I never said that, did I. I said THEY ARE Jews, but never suggested that ALL Jews were a part of the criminality or ethnic monopolization of industry by a minority of Jews.

You have a real blind spot here and I suspect it is because you have never knowingly hung around with people from the group you demonize.

I'm not demonizing Judaism. I believe it to be anti-Christ. I pray for them and will turn the other cheek. I know Jews and my neighbor a few blocks away who I see occasionally is Jewish. I don't blame him for the woes of government corruption or Zionism. He's a reform Jew with little to no affiliation with Israel that I know of. But again, why is he a Jew then? What makes him Jewish.

That his mother was Jewish? Of course, this maternal belief in birthright is anti-Christ as the Torah teaches the opposite. That it is from the father. It seems from the 16th century a "blood purity" probably due to persecution was taught to teligious Jews who subsequently renounced their religiosity.

If they are ethnic Jews, then fine, I don't demonize them, they have free will, but the Lubavitchers as intergrationalists will certainly use them for their own cause. And I think, many, will accept their proposition partly because of a persecution complex and their convert ethno-nationalist beliefs that I have come to witness in the largely atheitic Jewish progressive class. Again, these are just my observations. And those who I ha e known and talked to.

But all Jews are people. We are all human beings. And God has told us to love everyone and help to teach them the way. So, I hate nobody.

There are assholes in every group--even people who claim to love Jesus--but that doesn't make everyone in that group an asshole.

When did I use the generalization fallacy? I say that they are Jews behind these companies, that is true, they are, but I don't say ALL Jews are behind them. As if all Jews are a monolith.

And let's not forget where Jesus started out.

Not as a rabbinical Jew. But an ethnic Jew by the fatherly line through David. If anything, his way is the real Judaism. They say they are Jews but are not. For they are the synagouge of Satan. Meaning that the wealthy "Jews" as they call themselves, "Jews" like Sumner Redstone, Netanyahu, Kushner and the homosexual atheistical "Jews" who push degeneracy are anti-Christ.

But Christ, above all, teaches us to turn the other cheak and preach to others his way. That is what we must do.

I do not fault every Jew, for humans have free-will as God intended. Certain Catholics worked hard to bar Jews from converting to christianity, believing them to be infiltrating the religion for ulterior reasons.

There was some truth to this, as it was revealed by the Pope but barring Jews or any other person from putting their faith in Christ is all the more anti-Christ.

[–][deleted]  (1 child)
