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[–]Ladis_Wascheharuum 3 insightful - 1 fun3 insightful - 0 fun4 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

The fact that you capitalize "white" but not "black" is telling. I'm doubtful you are saying anything in good faith. Regardless...

defending blacks but criticize me for defending White Americans

You are equivocating on "defending". I'm only "defending" blacks in the sense of saying they should not be treated as lesser. You're "defending" whites right to have an opinion that they are superior. Those aren't equivalent.

Of course, anyone can believe their group is superior for whatever reason, no matter how wrong they are. I was just complaining that I'm annoyed by the racism here. I'm not shutting down your rights. I'm just exercising my right to my opinion that racist thought is provably stupid.

Finally, if we are talking of rights, right are individual things. They apply to persons. Groups have no rights greater than the sum of their members. (Some of the most asinine U.S. legal decisions are those that purport to treat corporations as people with rights. Corporations are legal tools and should be kept of a very short leash. I feel the same way about unions.) The "white race" or "white culture" or whatever you call it isn't a person, it doesn't have rights to be defended. Every white person does, and every black person does.