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[–]theoracle[S] 4 insightful - 1 fun4 insightful - 0 fun5 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Thank you. I have been sitting on it for probably a decade. I was surprised to see Notabug has already tried it with "spaces", but alas over there it's a bit like using the command line vs a gui. I would guess some of the code from Notabug could be adapted to get it working. The most basic implementation is to just have a switch to turn moderation off... ideally though I want it far more sophisticated than that. I like my posts pretty raw but spam will drive anyone nuts.

I think Slashdot was probably the first to try something like this where you could slide and change the view preference for different posts based on vote count, like below something is collapsed and below that is hidden etc.

I really really think that this idea of optional moderation will solve most of the issues people are facing in forums. And if saidit or anyone was to implement it well they would eventually capture more traffic than reddit.

Now having said that one of my other solutions to this is open sourcing the content. I cover it in my other post before this, it's a bit long, . Basically what that will do is prevent just one platform locking things down. So if saidit gets it wrong then someone else may get it right. Now I am hoping saidit gets it right though! I really like magnora7 and what they have done. And they have technically "open sourced" the content, in fact maybe even better. They have federated it which is they are sharing it across platforms.

I do however have my reservations about saidit, there wasn't a strong commitment to free speech, and although the pyramid of debate is a great idea it was never going to work. But wait. So I hoped over to ruqqus and well after coming back here and looking at things, like with federation and Notabug I think free speech has a good chance here. And there is a possibility that the pyramid of debate could succeed. For something like the pyramid of debate to succeed you are going to need a huge moderation team, 1000's for a reddit size forum. I can only see a moderation team on that scale working with optional moderation. But people should be free to choose.

This problem needs to be attacked at both ends, you should be free to speak, but also free to choose what you want to read.

Freedom both ways.