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[–][deleted] 11 insightful - 1 fun11 insightful - 0 fun12 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

how they haven't been "honest about it"

Well what is "radical feminism"? The sidebar provided a lot of links to do reading, but even here there are many women who think "gender critical" just means "trans critical." What is "homophobia"? Does not believing in "sexual orientation" count just as much as "we should all go <abusive act> the <slurs>"? What is "racism"? Does "I think White peoples deserve a homeland" count just as much as "we should all go <abusive act> the <slurs>"? What is "antisemitism"? Is all criticism of Jewish groups prohibited? And what does any of this have to do with helping women? Why does not believing in "sexual orientation" in addition to not believing in "gender identity" mean women can't participate without self-censoring?

Why were perfectly acceptable posts removed? Why did the moderators refuse to answer polite posts appealing removals?

I don't think they were fully honest about what sort of content they removed and why.

they haven't removed themselves from All

They have been aware of the moderator rules for several hours now since I mentioned that they may want to take that option. I understand they are still sorting things out, but I also noticed that they have not made some quick edits to the sidebar and taken themselves of all (though they did make a few quick edits to the sidebar to add the rules about removing some specific slurs).

This is also an issue for the people who are taking care of site policy. Site policy is a bit (imo unfortunately) fuzzy sometimes, imo. Is GC breaking the rules? What exactly are the rules in this situation? I believe this needs to be made more clear as well.