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[–]Islamofascist 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (1 child)

I truly cannot believe this shit. I can't believe that life originated as algae, then turned into fish, then turned into monkeys

That's because it's not true. The mainstream theory of evolution is fake and gay. We are not the result of random processes spanning billions of years. We were created deliberately by God. And God also intended that the world in which we exist has both pain and pleasure, both suffering and joy. Nothing in this world is an accident.

Suffering is not inherently bad. On the contrary, suffering is necessary. God intends that we suffer, so that we can become stronger. Our Imams give the analogy of iron being melted in a crucible, so that it can be purified and forged into stronger steel; in a similar way, humans must suffer in this world as a crucible (test), so that they can rise higher. The meaning of our life in this world is Jihad, which means Struggle. It is our duty to struggle in this world, and God loves those who struggle with Him in mind. Jihad has both internal and external dimensions: one must struggle against oneself, to purify your own soul (this can include fighting against pornography and other addictions, for example), and at the same time, one must also struggle against worldly enemies, such as feminists, liberals, and other types of filth. Both of these aspects of Jihad are very important.

[–]Vulptex 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Suffering is not inherently bad. On the contrary, suffering is necessary. God intends that we suffer, so that we can become stronger.

BULLSHIT. If this god didn't want us to suffer he would've made us strong in the first place, or at the very least he could've made the strengthening process not miserable. But he purposely designed the universe to be vile and trapped you in it. I think the whole pantheon is doing this, so no wonder it's bad to worship the pagan gods. Why they do this I don't know. Some say they farm us for "loosh", but I don't see what that would accomplish or even understand what it is.