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[–]greybeard[S] 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Everyone lives in their own bubble. So the people living in Transmaxxing bubble search for such things & the algorithm recommends them more of it. Transmaxxing still has minimal coverage and reach. with only 1 or 2 YouTuber with noticable followers covering it. If you gotta spread the word trigger some right wing people make it known in their community. They would fall for the trap take this opportunity to bash trans people as incels & $!mps & call out the trans community as delusion fetishizers. And this Transmaxxing trend will affirm their pre conceived notion about Transgenderism. *Chances is if it gets viral among right wing Twitter even Tucker Carlson might cover it which may lead to right wing incels visiting this page & changing their minds to transition *.

They are noticing the attention and react funnily