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[–][deleted] 2 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 0 fun3 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

What if you loved oranges and never even tried to eat them because you knew they were only for chads. I did something similar once. I felt like I was going to be forever alone. I gave up and accepted my life of and solitude. Said Fuck it. That life of solitude didn't last long once I stopped caring.

I didn't have game then and didn't realize women had been showing their interest in me for years. From girls on the playground to teachers to the girl who used to give me backrubs in English class.... Wasn't till later I realized, I just didn't see it. I was my own worst enemy, and I think you guys are too.

Luckily incels weren't really a thing back then, the web didn't exist back then. That would have fucked me if I fell into the incel trap. Women can pick up on your thoughts and feelings. It's like a Poker read, but it might as well be telepathy. They get those incel vibes and they are not interested.

There is a psychology and sociology to women, overly simplified they want high value men -- it's imprinted in their biology. Your problem is that you don't see yourself as being a high value man, that lack of confidence shows, and it signals women to avoid you.

That's why when I accepted being forever alone, when I said Fuck It, the floodgates of women opened. Not caring and confidence are not exactly the same thing, but they're similar enough. I shed that self pity and desperation and went on about my life.

Everyone wants other people who improve their lives, who add value. You just have to shed negative traits nobody wants around them.