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[–]JosephDeMaistre[S] 2 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 0 fun3 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Yes, the idea that you'd fuck your own 12 year old daughter because she's "modern" or "feminist" or whichever way you put it just shows what a vile shit you are and also demonstrates your stupidity. Because how can you ascertain a 12 year old kid is "feminist"??? You're evil, moronic and immoral and according to your own theory you should be very attractive to modern women. Well, maybe that explains why you, after all, have had some short relationships and don't have to beg your mommy for sex all the time lol ;)

Secondly, there was no "technicality". Your idea that women are agnostic towards looks (THIS is what I was referring to) is BS directly contradicted by science. If you choose to reject science - as you just admitted - and prefer to live in your own mental "Co-Alpha" ghosttown, go on. "Agnostic towards male behaviour" (you inserted this) is likewise wrong: the female preference for dominant, aggressive men dates to stoneage and has obvious evolutionary reasons. It was like that 200 years ago, but the Dark Triad preference was often "outsmarted" by tough life.

However, this doesn't mean a Dark Triad-related Fisherian Runaway isn't taking place nowadays: this simply hasn't been studied in depth.