A wiki for projects of any kind: blogs, DIY tutorials, essays, galleries, lists, manifestos, production development, project management, resistance organizing, resources, reviews, or whatever you think is a good project.
This /s/Projex sub is for a centralized discussion about all Projex things generally, including everything from wiki organization to social management to technical issues.
The MediaWiki-based website,, is coming soon, and will host these open-developed projects...
Related Projects:
/s/LeverMind + wiki
The LeverMind Variety Show aims to
recontextualize the pop culture forced
upon us into potent doses of edutaining
counter-propaganda to better resist
against tyranny.
LeverMind production development
Community decentralization development
Invite only Diaspora community
private sub, consisting primarily of
Canadians within a "small
fringe minority with unacceptable views." - soon
/s/BittersweetSeeds + wiki
Screenplay, storyboard, & graphic novel
in a hard-science-fiction cautionary tale
set ~25-30 years from now. - soon
/s/GiraffeIdeas + wiki
A video production studio
crowd-sourced cooperative
to develop and produce creative projects
with accountable folks in Windsor, Canada
partnered with... - soon
/s/GlossedAndProfound + wiki
A production management
crowd-sourced cooperative
to develop and produce creative projects
with anonymous and non-anon people
globally online. - soon
/s/Trutherism101 + wiki
A counter-propaganda comedy series
of animated shorts.
Domains above will point to their pages.
See also:
/u/JasonCarswell and/or Cassandra Team are also working on these other projects and platforms...
FoilHat.Party promotes Foil Hat Day
annually on 9/11 to unify global skeptics
questioners, and conspiracy analysts.
/s/GlossedOver + wiki
Miscellaneous open discussion for
Glossed And Profound projects.
/s/TrutherTop20s + wiki
Lists of inconvenient truths.
TruthSeeker.Party - soon
Decentralized Lemmy forum (uncensored).
Volun.Tube - soon
Decentralized PeerTube instance.
/s/WikiSpooks + wiki
Info and articles on the deep state.
CSS and banner images by /u/JasonCarswell
Economic Alternatives List - on Projex.Wiki - welcoming new ideas and suggestions. by JasonCarswell in Projex
[–]JasonCarswell[S] 1 insightful - 2 fun1 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 2 fun - (0 children)