Gross pornsick moid wants girlfriend to look like anime girl, gets pisses when she tells him he needs to look like Henry Cavill.(i.imgur.com)

Saddest moid of the week(imgur.com)

Your hairline is too disrespectful for me to care about your opinion(i.imgur.com)

Men can wear makeup too uwu(i.imgur.com)

What your average misogynist 4chan user looks like. Peep the shirt and the nails.(i.imgur.com)

Oh the desperation. Manlets hit on a painting of a woman.(i.imgur.com)

Actor Jude Law before and after. "Men age like fine wine" my ass.(i.imgur.com)
Imagine being a woman in 2020 still having casual sex with moids(self)

James Blunt Developed Scurvy After Adopting an All-Meat Diet To Assert His Masculinity(jezebel.com)

Trying to look mean to intimidate the male species.(vm.tiktok.com)

Inspiration Can Come From Anywhere(media.spinster.xyz)

How the brocialists justify their degenerate porn viewing and lap dances(i.imgur.com)

Every single moid on the internet:(i.imgur.com)

Scrote "mental health issues" in a nutshell(i.imgur.com)
Gender Heretics Is Offering $1 MILLION to the lovely trans activists who keep insisting "sex is a spectrum" and "a third sex exists" Not to be all cranky but will they put up or shut up. Also, bonus if you send this to the congress critters fighting "for tranzritz"(genderheretics.org)
Men are a failed biological experiment(self)

Remember when NASA sent Sally Ride to space for 6 days and gave her 100 tampons.(vm.tiktok.com)

Remember, he’s someone’s Son, Dad, nephew.(i.imgur.com)

Gender-appropriate toys for girls include mini glass ceiling and game of life menopause edition where you become invisible.(i.imgur.com)