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[–]Shinjin_Nana 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (1 child)

Hold on a tiny second. Fine, object to the word pollute - but wth is this with 'xenophobia'...? you're literally saying that feminists need to shut up about misogynistic cultures and religions? As if the misogyny in islam or abrahamic faiths altogether, or in non-western cultures is beyond reproach? What about the women there that get sold as child brides or live their lives in a burqua or can't go to school? Are we just not allowed to say that's wrong because..... it's xenophobia?!

YEAH, I'm scared for women that have their genitals mutilated, and I really do despise a culture that would allow that. Ideas are not beyond reproach. It's this sick to shit be nice PC bs that got us into the women's rights rollback tranny mess we're in but, oh no... misogynist cultures and religions cannot be criticized because it's xenophobia. Why don't you call me a transphobe and get it over with?

[–]Happy_face_caller 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

I said no such thing, knock it off with your ridiculous lies.

I said don’t claim immigrants “pollute” society.

It’s not brain surgery.

The fact that you are trying to defend this, though I asked politely and didn’t remove the post makes it clear you are a moid here in bad faith