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[–]Vigte 7 insightful - 2 fun7 insightful - 1 fun8 insightful - 2 fun -  (0 children)

The description of what it is, strikes me as very similar to "spin glass" - a so-called "meta material" - which while it sounds like something you build a space ship out of;

For physical systems, such as dilute manganese in copper, the freezing temperature is typically as low as 30 kelvins (−240 °C), and so the spin-glass magnetism appears to be practically without applications in daily life. The non-ergodic states and rugged energy landscapes are, however, quite useful in understanding the behavior of certain neural networks, including Hopfield networks, as well as many problems in computer science optimization and genetics.

Little bit more here, for a few minutes (or as long as you want, lol)

He also talks a bit about Bose-Einstein condensates at 28:15, which relates to the Time Crystals too.

Edit: If I understand his explanation correctly, is that the Bose-Einstein condensates are a kind of barrier to the universe sharing/updating the "blockchain ledger" with the rest of the atoms, allowing you to.... break the laws of physics