viewing revision from 3 years ago





Draft Page For Work In Progress

Future ideas to draft up:

/s/PhoenixForum/wiki/ErgoFlow - Ergonomic Flow, Pragmatic Functionality
/s/PhoenixForum/wiki/GUI - Layout, Graphic Design, Aesthetics
/s/PhoenixForum/wiki/LibreFestos - Libre-Manifestos
/s/PhoenixForum/wiki/MetaVote - MetaVote™
/s/PhoenixForum/wiki/MVBeyond - MetaVote™ Beyond Use Just In Forums
/s/PhoenixForum/wiki/MVTrillion - Trillion Dollar Idea (With MetaVote™)
/s/PhoenixForum/wiki/Migration - Upgrade Forum Software
/s/PhoenixForum/wiki/PreVis - PreVisualization Videos
/s/PhoenixForum/wiki/ProjMgmt - Project Management
/s/PhoenixForum/wiki/Security - Security
/s/PhoenixForum/wiki/SocMgmt - Fair, Open, Accountable Social Management
/s/PhoenixForum/wiki/SoftDev - Software Development
/s/PhoenixForum/wiki/Surveys - Community Feedback



Post Title:

New Idea: Filtering STABs On SaidIt



Post Text:

(Formatted to be edit-copypasted.)


New Idea: Filtering STABs On SaidIt

Restating the obvious, currently SaidIt is anonymous, without verification, free, and is thus wide open to all STABs (shills, trolls, and bots). /u/magnora7 could change any or all of these and thus potentially change the character and nature of SaidIt, but because many of the forces of evil have high-level resources and deep pockets to skirt around these mild limitations, only low-level STABs might be affected.

We need to brainstorm for new ideas and ways to filter out the STABs. For better or worse, with pros and cons, this post is my effort to start discussing new ideas to better manage or filter the STABs on SaidIt and/or other forums. I hope we can build on these seed ideas or even come up with better solutions. It seems unlikely and impossible to catch all STABs, but that doesn't mean we shouldn't make an effort. For your consideration, I present 3 ideas to help filter out STABs...


1 SaidIt User Details

I don't know for certain as I don't code, but this seems like the simplest and least radical idea to improve SaidIt and/or other forums.

Currently, over every comment SaidIt presents this short line:
JasonCarswell[S] 5 insightful - 3 fun - 2 hours ago

SaidIt could add more details to that line to look something like this:
JasonCarswell[S 2y 40k pk 30k ck] 5 insightful - 3 fun - 2 hours ago

I shortened the additions from "saiditter for 2 years", "40,600 post karma", and "30,626 comment karma" as is found on /u/JasonCarswell.

Perhaps this could be applied as a special or parallel automatically generated site-wide flair.

I'd especially like to see colour coding that is peripherally visible and easier to glean quickly rather than reading and processing stats. Similar to traffic lights and like my 5 tier chart the users could be colour coded in steps or on a spectrum from red or orange for new/rare users to the active users in yellow with either more established or preferably M7's trusted-team in green with M7 in blue. I prefer seeing the stats, but an alternative would be a symbol/badge/crest thing from red through to the blue (ie. blue check).


2 SaidIt User Filters

I don't know for certain as I don't code, but this seems like some serious coding effort may be required to make these radical changes to improve SaidIt and/or other forums.

This SaidIt User Filters idea could also extend to the block userfeature that is very incomplete. I stand by my statement that block user is currently a shitty function. Before debating this further be sure to read my linked comments with rebuttals to all arguments, some valid but very limited, that I've heard thus far.

Moving on, this idea includes and improves the block user function in conjunction with this larger SaidIt User Filters idea. Again, I'd especially like to see traffic-light-ish colour coding with my simple 5 tier chart.

Currently comment "flat-list buttons" include permalink (un)save block user parent edit disable inbox replies delete reply. In addition to this line or preferably on a separate new "filter-list buttons" line (perhaps with more filters to add) I would like to see these 6 buttons in a line like this example:

[+] admins 3   [+] rangers 5   [+] citizens 12   [+] users 10   [+] unruly 69   [+] blocked 5

The [+] / [-] symbol would indicate the option to expand/turn on [+] or collapse/turn off [-] the display of those user tier levels. The trailing number indicates how many comments are collapsed.

Level Color Privilege Title Description
Tier 1 blue extra Site Admins benevolent power to execute the will of the people
Tier 2 green user Peace Rangers non-partisan neutral trusted-team advisors who decide together
Tier 3 yellow user The Citizenry active contributors, limited and/or tribalists
Tier 4 orange user The Fray new and rare contributors, unproven, unknown, anons, and/or asstrolls
Tier 5 red none The Unruly banished as they do not play well with others
Tier 6 purple n/a The Blocked a function customized by individual users

Maybe instead of under each comment these filters are only under the original post - or in the sidebox or header. Under the post these "filter-list buttons" would apply to all comments however under the comments it should only apply to the response tree under that comment.

Maybe in user preferences the trailing number indicator might be turned off, or if unnecessary the coders could omit it and just grey out the text if none exist.

Maybe the trusted-team of "rangers" would not be necessary to include as M7 clearly has no desire to select a trusted-team for a fair, open, and accountable social management system.

Maybe there would be other filters to add too (ie. spam, downward, etc for admins).

With these filter stats under posts people could look through a feed (/s/all or subs or multisubs) and may glean aspects of the discussions within.

The first 2 tiers of admins and rangers would be hand selected by M7 - as would those who are banned (and thus unable post/comment further). The more active "citizens" and less active "fray" users would be automatically determined by a simple algorithm assessing the user account's age and post/comment karma. This equation could be shared openly to ideally be discussed and fine tuned.

With this filtration system in place, there'd no longer be need for any censorship (besides removing illegal content). The banned folks content would still be openly available for double checking, fairness, openness, transparency, and accountability, but obviously being banned they'd no longer be able to participate further. The admins and STAB-hunters could focus on the unknowns of the "fray" of less active users and trust that the more established active citizens would report their issues.


3 SaidIt As A Filter For A Second Site

Most folks missed my questions about migrating to Lemmy. I could tighten up that survey and repost it if anyone cares to find out more.



If there's a huge demand I can modify some screenshots to illustrate some of these things I've struggled to get into words.


Sorry this post took much longer to put together than I would have liked (over a week), like all of them lately. I've been distracted by my building being resold. I have very mixed feelings about the new landlord and need to learn about what rights I have, he has, and how this will dramatically affect my plans and future (long story). Plus I've been distracted by my typical stuff while learning and compiling information for this post.

Also, please take a look at the new information in this /s/PhoenixForum sidebox and let me know if there are any ideas that are still unclear and/or ways to improve it.

Unrelated critical thought:
Why don't they cut up nuclear waste into small pieces to sprinkle it into volcanoes like the Ring Of Sauron or The Terminator? There's no shortage of old aircraft that could be rigged up for one last remote controlled flight and dive.

revision by JasonCarswell— view source