viewing revision from 2 years ago





/u/JasonCarswell/, subsaidits, posts, comments, wiki page, InfoGalactic projects


Restricted view-only feed and wiki, for now.

/s/GlossedAndProfound + Content Overview + wiki + InfoGalactic GaP project

All Glossed And Profound content, discussions, posts, comments, and images are free and open source like SaidIt, however note, though forks may come or go, Glossed And Profound will always be the official original source.

Rough Drafts And Backups

Future ideas to draft up:

/s/PhoenixForum/wiki/       ◀   ◀   ◀   YOU ARE HERE

/s/PhoenixForum/wiki/ErgoFlow empty - Ergonomic Flow, Pragmatic Functionality

/s/PhoenixForum/wiki/Filtering_STABs posted 2021-03-24: New Idea: Filtering STABs On SaidIt

/s/PhoenixForum/wiki/GUI empty - Layout, Graphic Design, Aesthetics

/s/PhoenixForum/wiki/LibreFestos empty - Libre-Manifestos

/s/PhoenixForum/wiki/MetaVote posted 2021-05-08: MetaVote™ - Part 1: A Brief Outline Of A Potentially Revolutionary New GUI Data-Input Form (A tool for more quality information and profoundly deeper, stronger applications - including STABs management.) [Without images or animation to illustrate how simple it can be.]

/s/PhoenixForum/wiki/MVBeyond empty - MetaVote™ Part 2: Illustrated

/s/PhoenixForum/wiki/MVBeyond empty - MetaVote™ Part 3: Animated

/s/PhoenixForum/wiki/MVBeyond empty - MetaVote™ Beyond Use Just In Forums

/s/PhoenixForum/wiki/MVTrillion empty - MetaVote™ + The Trillion Dollar Idea

/s/PhoenixForum/wiki/Migration empty - Upgrade Forum Software

/s/PhoenixForum/wiki/PreVis empty - PreVisualization Videos

/s/PhoenixForum/wiki/ProjMgmt empty - Project Management

/s/PhoenixForum/wiki/Security empty - Security

/s/PhoenixForum/wiki/SocMgmt posted 2021-02-19: Fair, Open, Accountable Social Management These Seeds For Fairness And Justice On SaidIt Need Your Help

/s/PhoenixForum/wiki/SoftDev empty - Software Development

/s/PhoenixForum/wiki/Surveys empty - Community Feedback

/s/PhoenixForum/wiki/Trillion empty - Trillion Dollar Idea (Decentralized Federation Of Resistance Marketing - DFORM)

Backup Posts:

/s/PhoenixForum/wiki/Magnora7_Lies CENSORED 2021-03-28: Magnora7 is a lying drama queen riding my ass with his tiny pricks and jabs to avoid the real issues. Am I right or wrong?

/s/PhoenixForum/wiki/Moving_Forward posted 2021-04-06: Moving forward: Let's discuss fair, open, accountable, consistent, and honest social management systems - and the future of our forum. + mirror: Moving forward: Let's discuss fair, open, accountable, consistent, and honest social management systems - and the future of our forum.


Work In Progress Draft Page

(Formatted to be edit-copypasted.)

Post Title:

[ Post title goes here. ]

Post Text:

Thumbnail, temporary stand-in "branding" (see the 1st post for more about this).


[ Post content goes here. ]


End Post Text


Glossed And Profound & Glossed Over & Truther Top 20s = FLOSS content ◀
Bittersweet Seeds & Trutherism 101 © Jason Carswell of Glossed And Profound
▶ Once established with sufficient momentum, sustainability, and security, these projects will be open-sourced. Upon the untimely demise of Jason Carswell all become F/LOSS.
/s/GlossedOver + Content Overview + wiki, participation discussion over all 5 projects
/s/GlossedAndProfound + Content Overview + wiki, management
/s/BittersweetSeeds + Content Overview + wiki, in development
/s/Trutherism101 + Content Overview + wiki + InfoGalactic T101, in development
/s/TrutherTop20s + wiki + InfoGalactic TT20, ongoing
/s/GiraffeIdeas/s/LeverMind/s/Cassy/s/PhoenixForum ▶ donate options + merchandise store = coming eventually
▶ On 2019-05-01,, and were registered for future use. Long in conception, finally here on SaidIt, the official origin place, started on May Day, 2019. May 1 is a metonym for International Workers Day, a day of celebration of the working class. Behind it lies a complex largely forgotten history dating back over one-and-a-half centuries. Look into it.
▶ On 2021-05-01,,,,,,,, and Volun.Tube were registered for future use.

Thumbnail, temporary stand-in "branding" (see the 1st post for more about this).

revision by JasonCarswell— view source