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[–]BravoVictor 2 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 0 fun3 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

"...allows [Ukraine] to exercise their right to self determination..."

Superficially, I agree with her. But she's being naive here. Ukraine lost it's self determination when we overthrew their democratically elected government and installed a US puppet. Our elite have no interest in self-determination for Americans. They have even less interest for foreigners.

All Ukraine is to us, is the next sphere of US influence to carve out, to slowly conquer everyone without having to march in troops. And if we had our shit together, that might even be a good thing. But we can't even get honest reporting on Ukraine.

After the Ukrainian coup, and Crimea voted to join Russia, what was the reporting? "Russia invades and annexes Crimea!" They never mentioned that the majority of Crimea are Russians, or that they'd voted years before to side with Russia.

The whole point of this conflict is that we don't want Russia to have the right of self-determination, and be a vassal state to the US, and Ukraine is just a stepping stone to getting there.

But yeah, her comment about climate change is about the dumbest thing I've ever heard. On the list of 1000 factors behind US/Ukraine/Russia conflict, climate doesn't even make the list.