The most common message in media:
1960s: Women should know their place. They keep the house and raise the children. When they fail to keep their place, disaster ensues.
1970s: Media is for men, and it's fun to watch a woman be sassy and attempt man stuff. Sometimes it makes her boobs jiggle.
1980s: Women are strong, but men are stronger. And women are enamored with strong men. A man's value largely lies in his strength.
1990s: Men and women are the same. Any role is interchangeable.
2000s through early 2010s: Women have more common sense and more of a work ethic than men. Men can be naturally talented and charming, but women actually achieve things.
Late 2010s to present: Women are physically, ethically, morally, and spiritually superior to men. Men are stupid, weak, fragile, arrogant, and malicious.
[–]xoenix 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun - (0 children)