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[–]iDontShift 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

i am happy to do my best. but I feel you would truly be better served by a more indepth approach.. so here is some reading .. the first is like 1 page.. highly recommend you start there.

read this.. the golden key by emmit fox it is so powerful that there are multiple 'false/edited' copies floating around on the internet (example of fraud) (one actually removed the words 'scientific prayer')

also love

neale donald walsch (explores how we are at first cause in our life, that God is talking to us.. always.. )

abraham-hicks (explores how to change your mind to get the life you want.. first one that I heard talk about the law of attraction.

eckharte tolle (he discusses the 'pain body' .. the idea being when we get angry we join this pain body and it takes us over and is much like a demon.. learn to stay conscious to avoid this.. how do you do that? meditate.. be quiet in mind.. allow all thoughts to pass by without 'adding to them' .. just watch and let them pass as clouds in the sky.. and when you do this a new thing happens to us.. like when a loud noise happens i don't jump.. it is weird.. i hear it.. i calculate its meaning, but it doesn't make me simply jump)