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[–]Jesus 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (1 child)

I do not have the time to write everything out. It is mostly a compilation of work from Ethan Serone and some of his friends posted in short excerpts on Twitter plus other screeshots from pdfs I compiled from I don't know when. They care not that it be proliferated elsewhere. Some of the paragraphs are mine from reading books on cognitive infiltration and CoinTelPro.

^ ^ ^ Who are these people?

Her father is Ruben J. Lokteff, they are all Eurasianists and Nazbols. She is friends with Bre Faucheux who are all Jewish Nazbols. They also invite on Fatih Goldy who worked for UKIP. It seems that Catholic democrates (Freemasons) and Nazbols are ideologically trying to subvert nationalism through demoralization. Trump and people like Rodger Stone are all a part of this demoralization process.

Lokteff also in an interview with a Zionist Jew thought it would be awesome that the US FED print out nearly triple digit of billions of dollars of aid to Israel and not just for arms and ammunition buying but for welfare without interest.

The more I research the more I see that it is P2 lodge Grand Orient Freemasons pretending to be Catholics working with Nazbols and Zionsits to undermine nationalism in the US: and not the nationalism we currently have but nationalism based on the old ways before corporate collectivism took its hold.

I noticed it, too, that lately this republican cheer-leader became the voice of reason.

It's best they give you your heros. It isn't hard to work for the opposition if you control its broadcast.

[–]Jesus 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

"Strategy of Tension" is the only way I can describe this crap.